Directory Listing -- B

TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
831 30174 Bowes Louisa Policy Comms and Injury Management Manager [email]
831 34706 Bowler David Snr Faculty IT Sup Specialist [email]
831 30056 Bowman Gary Senior Technician (Struc&Natural Resources) [email]
831 34125 Bowman Claire Alumni Relations Officer [email]
0 8182 9653 Boyd Mark Chair of Medicine [email]
none registered Boyer Emily Administration Assistant [email]
831 34397 Boyle Christopher Professor [email]
831 32542 Boyle Emma Human Resources Officer [email]
831 37405 Boyle Erica Arboretum Officer [email]
831 32687 Boylen Tess Faculty Administration Coordinator [email]
831 35663 Bozic Kellie Student Counsellor [email]
831 38054 Bozkurt Hayriye Senior Lecturer [email]
0 8128 4694 Bradey Alanah Research Assistant [email]
831 34414 Bradshaw Alison Legal Counsel (Research) [email]
831 35123 Bradtke Amanda Careers Information Officer [email]
831 39908 Brammy Fiona Manager, Career Educ. & Industry Engagement [email]
831 30054 Bran Shajir HSW Officer [email]
831 38310 Branson Toby Partnership Development Manager [email]
none registered Brecht Steve Maintenance Planner and Scheduler [email]
831 33378 Bremert Tamara Academic Assessment Officer [email]
831 30682 Bresanello Luke Student Services Officer [email]
831 32300 Bressington Nat HR Manager, DUO, DEE and VCO [email]
none registered Brett Stuart Application Specialist [email]
none registered Brewer Philip ARC Ext-Funded Rsch Fellow (C) [email]
831 35964 Brewer Russell Associate Prof/Reader [email]
831 32304 Bridges Gareth External Lecturer [email]
831 37623 Brien Forbes Associate Professor [email]
831 36040 Bright Richard Research Assistant none registered
831 33044 Brincat Antoinette Scholarships Officer [email]
none registered Britza Susan none registered none registered
831 34919 Broad Amy Analyst [email]
831 35168 Broberg Marita Senior Technical Officer [email]
831 32990 Brockhoff Simon Senior Drafter [email]
831 36319 Brockhouse Michael Learning Resource Developer [email]
831 31087 Brocksopp Casey Associate Lecturer [email]
831 30662 Broderick Natalie Senior Faculty Administration Coordinator [email]
831 36457 Brook Linda International Admissions Officer [email]
831 32977 Brookes Hilary Executive Officer [email]
831 33747 Brookes Justin Professor [email]
831 34652 Brooking Jill Senior Strategic Partnerships Coordinator [email]
none registered Brooks Monique Service Desk Lead [email]
none registered Brooks Tiffany Senior Lecturer Pastoral Care years 4-6 [email]
831 34121 Broughton Alan Associate Professor [email]
831 34481 Brown Alfred Fred Adjunct Senior Lecturer [email]
831 37773 Brown Daniel ARC Grant-Funded Researcher B [email]
831 32218 Brown Jess Executive Assistant [email]
831 31129 Brown Simon Team Leader, Candidature and Examinations [email]
831 30333 Brown Tom Lead, Domestic Undergradute Recruitment [email]
831 35218 Bruning John Senior Lecturer [email]
831 33914 Bryant Teegan Indigenous Employment Officer [email]
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