Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology -- A

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TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
831 38128 Arjomandi Maziar Professor [email]
none registered Armstrong Kyle Senior Lecturer [email]
831 33758 Arnold Lee Associate Professor/Reader [email]
831 33051 Arthur Alec Machine Learning Engineer [email]
831 31864 Ashenden Debi Professor [email]
831 39077 Atapattu Thushari Grant-Funded Researcher (A) [email]
831 36176 Aust Ctr For Visual Technol. AIML none registered none registered
831 34557 Austin Jeremy Associate Professor [email]
831 30056 Ayoub Jon Supervising Technician Machines & Structures [email]
none registered Agnew Hannah PhD Candidate [email]
831 32791 Ahmer Ingrid PhD Candidate [email]
0 8222 3380 Albert Paul Postdoctoral Researcher [email]
none registered Alemneh Anteneh Argaw PhD Student [email]
none registered Allen Angel none registered [email]
831 36385 Ang Daniel Postgraduate Student [email]
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