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TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
831 31172 Oak Mandar Associate Professor [email]
831 30716 Ploeckl Florian Senior Lecturer [email]
831 35520 School of Economics Postgraduate Quiet Study none registered none registered
831 34190 School of Economics Postgraduate Quiet Study none registered none registered
831 32068 Shan Yaping Lecturer [email]
831 31179 Tutor Consultation none registered none registered none registered
831 34501 Visiting Academics none registered none registered none registered
831 35717 Visiting Academics none registered none registered none registered
831 39130 Wheeler Sarah Professor [email]
831 35500 Wong Jacob Lecturer [email]
831 34500 Yengin Duygu Associate Prof/Reader [email]
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