Future Students

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TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
831 31734 Mujkic Jasmina Lead, Domestic Postgraduate Recruitment [email]
831 30500 Nguyen Ha Team Leader, International Admissions [email]
831 35423 Nguyen Lisa Recruitment Partnerships Officer [email]
60 12 626 3848 Oan Pooi Ling Manager, Student Recruitment [email]
573104941238 Ospina Ximena Student Recruitment (Latin America) [email]
831 39243 Palmer Bek Manager, Recruitment Partnerships [email]
831 36065 Perry Jess Director, Domestic Recruitment [email]
831 30531 Pickett Mina Senior International Compliance Officer [email]
831 32178 Pillion Merrilee International Admissions Officer [email]
none registered Pribadi Clara Student Recruitment Coordinator [email]
831 38363 Qiu Kristina Regional Manager (China) [email]
831 34132 Rahman Tazrin Future Student Advisor [email]
831 38375 Riddell Craig Manager, Conversion and Marketing Automation [email]
831 32009 Ruston Monica Regional Manager [email]
0 8313 1265 Santos Carol Customer Experience Officer [email]
831 30250 Saxon Hannah Strategic Projects Coordinator [email]
831 32561 Severino Antonette Lead, International Projects & Partnerships [email]
831 34866 Sharma Jyoti Manager, Student Recruitment (India) [email]
831 34866 Shrestha Anup Senior Manager (South Asia) [email]
831 34866 Singh Hemant Senior Manager (South Asia) [email]
831 36789 Singh Kelly Manager, International Admissions [email]
831 35423 Snongjati Peachanan Recruitment Partnership Officer [email]
831 34816 Southee Pip Outreach Coordinator [email]
831 33753 Sy Giovette International Admissions Officer [email]
831 34746 Tan Eng International Recruitment Officer [email]
+86 13318750670 Tang Toby Manager, Student Recruitment (China) [email]
831 37958 Vincent Kiralee Team Leader, Admissions Operations [email]
831 34866 Vora Nischint Regional Manager [email]
831 36991 Vozzo Nick Operations Coordinator [email]
831 33902 Wechpanom Nat Future Student Communications Officer [email]
831 31522 Wei David Future Student Experience Officer [email]
831 35955 Wong Michael Senior Domestic Admission Officer [email]
831 36191 Zakarevicius Alicia Team Leader of Academic Assessment [email]
+86 18510994389 Zhang Queenie Manager, Student Recruitment (China) [email]
8617810670812 Zhang Yumo China Recruitment Officer (Digital) [email]
831 31215 Zhong Linda International Recruitment Coordinator [email]
831 30326 van der Nest Nadine Outreach Coordinator [email]
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The information in this directory is provided to support the academic, administrative and business activities of the University of Adelaide. To facilitate these activities, entries in the University Phone Directory are not limited to University employees. The use of information provided here for any other purpose, including the sending of unsolicited commercial material via email or any other electronic format, is strictly prohibited. The University reserves the right to recover all costs incurred in the event of breach of this policy.