Directory Listing -- H

TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
0 7641 9802 Horlor Pamela Student Support & Administration Officer [email]
831 31070 Horricks Tracey Service Delivery Manager [email]
831 35360 Horsley John ARC Grant-Funded Researcher A [email]
none registered Horton Dane Adjunct Lecturer [email]
831 33998 Hossain Md Afnan Lecturer [email]
831 33199 Houridis Alexsia Lecturer [email]
831 33469 Howard Carl Professor [email]
none registered Howard Simon Director, Integration Contract Management [email]
831 37885 Howarth Gordon Professor [email]
831 34344 Howe Joanna Professor [email]
831 30056 Howie Brenton Senior Technical Officer [email]
831 32039 Howie Chantelle Teaching Excellence Officer [email]
831 31008 Howland Kirstie Associate Lecturer [email]
none registered Hsin Hui Lee Emily Faculty Administration Coordinator [email]
831 30545 Hu Eric Associate Professor [email]
none registered Hu Kunsheng Lab Manager [email]
831 34715 Hu Qiaohui Admission Assistant [email]
831 32827 Hu Qiuhong Lab Manager [email]
0 0481101062 Huang Anna HSW Advisor [email]
831 35580 Huang David Associate Prof/Reader [email]
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