Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences -- H

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TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
831 31008 Howland Kirstie Associate Lecturer [email]
831 37229 Huang Weikun Post Doc [email]
831 37218 Hudson Kathryn Institute Manager [email]
831 33739 Hughes Toby Professor [email]
831 36871 Hume Clare Lecturer [email]
831 33089 Hunter David Senior Lecturer [email]
831 33663 Huppatz Eliza Lecturer [email]
831 34788 Hurem Dylan Occupational Therapy Lecturer [email]
0 8222 6681 Hutchens Bronwyn Technical Officer [email]
831 33756 Hutchens Martin Team Leader Main Campus/LHN East Precinct [email]
831 32754 Hutchinson Russell Simulation Technician [email]
0 8128 4862 Hutchison Amy Postdoctoral Researcher [email]
0 8161 8328 Huynh Dao Biospecimen Coordinator [email]
831 35626 Hanna Kamal Adjunct Senior Fellow [email]
831 37804 Hatzinikolas Seva Research Officer [email]
831 37858 Hickey Theresa Externally-Funded Research Fellow (D) [email]
831 31567 Hoon Elizabeth Grant-Funded Research (B) [email]
831 33371 Hummitzsch Katja NHMRC Postdoctoral Research Officer [email]
none registered Hunkin Hugh PhD - Master of Psychology [email]
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