Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences -- P

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TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
831 35266 Pagoudis Stephenie Lecturer [email]
831 32158 Palmer Lyle Professor of Genetic Epidemiology [email]
0 8222 5566 Pant Harshita Professor [email]
831 30895 Pantelis Tina Team Leader Faculty Operations [email]
831 34242 Parker Eleanor Associate Professor [email]
0 8222 8685 Pasupathy Sivabaskari NHMRC Grant-Funded Researchr A [email]
831 36016 Pate Elyce Lecturer [email]
none registered Pathirana Maleesa Study Coordinator [email]
0 8128 4695 Paton Sharon Technical Officer [email]
none registered Patterson Deirdre none registered [email]
0 8313 8163 Pearce Anna Lecturer [email]
none registered Pearce Brooke Senior Teaching Laboratory Support Staff [email]
0 8621 3600 Pedler Katrina Administration/Research Officer [email]
831 35191 Peirce Eleanor Senior Lecturer [email]
0 8161 8134 Pena Vargas Alexia Associate Prof/Reader [email]
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