Directory Listing -- K

TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
831 32992 Kate Moskwa Manager, Special Collections and Archives [email]
831 34526 Katharesan Viythia Senior Lecturer [email]
831 34247 Kathigitis Joshua Senior Business Improve Analyst [email]
831 39186 Katranis Andrea Finance Manager [email]
831 30706 Katselis Linda Research Candidature Officer [email]
831 36808 Katsikitis Michael Senior Project Officer [email]
831 33590 Katsiouleris Daphne Faculty Administration Coordinator [email]
831 35131 Kaur Kam Lecturer [email]
831 33774 Kaur Sushil Associate Professor [email]
none registered Kaur Reena Project Manager [email]
831 32866 Kawashima Nobuyuki Microanalyst [email]
831 38263 Kazmi Zoha Faculty International Advisor [email]
831 33347 Kearslake Tracy Team Lead (SET), Project Initiation [email]
831 34032 Kecojevic Velibor Senior UI/UX Designer [email]
831 35314 Kee Tak Associate Professor [email]
none registered Keijsers Willeke Education Performance & Eval. Project Officer [email]
831 36800 Kelly April Team Leader, Timetabling & Planning (SET) [email]
831 30964 Kelly Janet Professor/Reader [email]
831 30747 Kelly Emily Development Manager (ABLE) [email]
none registered Kemp Andrew Adjunct Lecturer [email]
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