Directory Listing -- P

TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
831 30716 Ploeckl Florian Senior Lecturer [email]
831 34150 Plummer Stephanie Lecturer [email]
831 34895 Poirier Damien Senior Audio Visual Specialist [email]
831 31065 Pole Caitlin Senior Events Coordinator [email]
831 37932 Polkinghorne Sally Student Support Coordinator, Roseworthy [email]
831 33867 Ponte Giulio Research Engineer [email]
831 30003 Pooya Nejad Fereydoon Senior Faculty Engineer [email]
831 35833 Pope Cheryl Senior Lecturer [email]
none registered Popova Nataliya Solution Architect [email]
none registered Porkelsdfottir Adalbjorg none registered none registered
831 30846 Porta Tom Lecturer [email]
831 33891 Porter Lisa Lecturer [email]
none registered Porter Lucy Regional Soil Coordinator [email]
831 35958 Porter Vicki Service Support Officer [email]
831 34685 Potter Lucy Associate Professor [email]
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