Directory Listing -- B

TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
831 37219 Bedford Travis Facilities Manager Waite [email]
831 37590 Bell Greg Senior Business Development Manager [email]
831 37013 Berry Julie School Business Manager [email]
0 8161 7241 Boog Bernadette Research Assistant [email]
831 30198 Branson Mark Campus Manager (Roseworthy & Waite) [email]
831 31930 Brice Kathryn Senior Technical Officer [email]
831 37305 Brown Helen Senior Technical Officer [email]
831 31424 Brown Melanie Manager, Teaching Excellence [email]
831 32220 Bruning Jennifer Coordinator, International Admissions [email]
831 31262 Buensuceso Ninna Business Services Manager [email]
831 33284 Burgess Jennifer Defence & Security Institute Manager [email]
831 33358 Burry Jane Head of School [email]
831 37087 Butler Jodie Faculty Executive Officer [email]
831 34083 Boyer Richard Project Manager [email]
831 34478 Babar Ali Professor [email]
none registered Babashoff Joseph Senior Systems Specialist [email]
831 35521 Babie Paul Bonython Chair in Law [email]
831 34522 Bacon Lea Head of Corporate Relations and Partnerships [email]
831 36002 Badalyan Alexander Grant-Funded Researcher (B) [email]
831 34245 Badger Greg Project Manager [email]
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