Directory Listing -- H

TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
831 33388 Hartman-Ward Kirsty Research Funding Administrator (Post Award) [email]
831 34499 Harvey David Associate Professor/Reader [email]
none registered Harvey Gemma Technical Officer [email]
831 34805 Harvey Kim Senior Lecturer [email]
0 8313 6669 Harvey Richard COO, ARC CoE in Plants for Space [email]
831 36964 Harvey Tim Future Student Communications Coordinator [email]
831 36231 Harwood Alison Research Ethics Officer (Human) [email]
831 32568 Hasanoff Sabira Research Officer [email]
831 32308 Hassan Eyad Adjunct Lecturer [email]
831 31535 Hassan Kamrul Lecturer [email]
831 34540 Hasterok Derrick Lecturer [email]
none registered Hatch Michael Grant Funded Reseacher [email]
831 30909 Hatzirodos Nick Senior Technical Officer [email]
831 34953 Hausler Sarah Lecturer - Occupational Therapy (Mon and Wed) [email]
831 31255 Hawa Joelle Lecturer [email]
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