Research Services

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TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
831 36523 Moore Nicole Research Development Manager [email]
831 34140 O'Rielly Rebecca Research Development Coordinator [email]
831 33959 Orandi Sanaz Researcher Support Manager (Post Award) [email]
831 33641 Peiris Sanjee Manager, Major Programs [email]
none registered Preston Tamas Research Funding Support Officer [email]
831 31275 Qiu Cherise 'Research Grants Coordinator (SET) [email]
831 36329 Ritter Lesley Senior Research Grants Officer [email]
831 36159 Said Stephanie Research Ethics and Compliance Officer [email]
831 34433 Sanders Jennifer Research Funding Officer (Post Award) [email]
831 36506 Sewer Vicki Research Information Support Officer [email]
831 33789 Subramanian Nivetha Research Grants Officer [email]
831 31530 Taylor Jessica Senior Research Project Officer [email]
831 31157 Thewlis Michelle Contracts Manager [email]
831 31519 Turner Andrew Research Integrity Officer [email]
831 30633 Voultsios Athena Senior Research Development Specialist [email]
831 34725 Watson Melody Research Ethics Officer (Human) [email]
831 33385 White Cath Office Administrator [email]
831 34992 Wijnandts Yvette Contract Manager [email]
831 37204 Xu Khloe Research Development Manager [email]
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