Emeritus Professor Robert Bogner
Biography/ Background
Robert E. Bogner was born in Melbourne on 26 August 1934, graduated in 1956 from the University of Adelaide in Electrical Engineering and gained the Master of Engineering degree in 1959, while employed as a research engineer by the Postmaster General’s Research Laboratories, for work on speech signal processing.
In 1961 he joined the University of Queensland as a Lecturer in Electrical Engineering and developed their courses in electronics and telecommunication engineering. From 1967 to 1973 he was a Lecturer in Electrical Engineering at the Imperial College of Science and Technology, University of London. He was awarded the Ph.D. there in 1973 for research on signal processing of phase modulated signals, part of the work being done at Bell Telephone Laboratories, New Jersey.
In 1973 he was appointed Professor of Electrical Engineering in the University of Adelaide. He was Head of Department from 1973 to 1979, and Dean of the Faculty of Engineering in 1976 and 1977, and in 1981 and 1982. He was founder member and first co-ordinator of the Adelaide Consortium for Telecommunication Studies in 1987, and a founder member of the Cooperative Research Centre for Sensor Signal and Information Processing (CSSIP) in 1992. He is a Fellow of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, a Life Member of the Indian Science Congress Association. He was General Chair of the International Conference on Speech, Acoustics and Signal Processing in Adelaide in 1994 and a director of the IEEE Signal Processing Society and Chair of this Society’s Standing Sub-committee on Education.
He has authored or co-authored about 140 technical papers including one book, and has supervised some 30 higher degree students. Professor Bogner’s major technical field is communication engineering and he has contributed to this in signal processing, electroacoustics, speech communication, pattern recognition,
human factors, and microwave modeling. Later efforts were primarily directed toward sensor signal processing with reference to radar track association, data fusion and visual sensing.
Principles of neural networks, artificial and real, are contributing strongly to the formation of new concepts in this context. A continuing interest is in energy conversion, with expression in unusual electrical machines.
He ceased employment and took formal retirement on 10 May 2001.Consulting Interests:
Signal processing, pattern recognition including adaptive pattern recognition, prediction and modeling for communication, industrial and diagnostic applications. Forensic and legal work on hearing injuries, electrocution and product design.Recreational Interests:
Technology, art blacksmithing, physics, psychology, public speaking, cooking and legal issues for retirees.
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Entry last updated: Tuesday, 15 Mar 2022