Professor Wayne Hein
Biography/ Background
Professor Wayne Hein is currently Head of the School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences and Dean of Roseworthy Campus at the University of Adelaide.
Coming from a rural background in South Australia, Professor Hein began tertiary education at Roseworthy Agricultural College. He then obtained a degree in veterinary science at the University of Queensland and worked for a few years in veterinary public health before completing a PhD in immunology in the John Curtin School of Medical Research at the Australian National University. Over the next 13 years, he conducted basic research into the immune system of ruminants at the Basel Institute for Immunology, Switzerland. Following a move to New Zealand, his research interests focussed on basic and applied immunoparasitology. From 2007-2010 he was the Director of the Hopkirk Research Institute located at Massey University where research focussed on parasitic and infectious diseases of livestock. From 2011-2014 he was Professor and Head of the School of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences and Dean of Veterinary Science at James Cook University, Australia. Professor Hein returned to South Australia as Head of the School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences and Dean of Roseworthy Campus at the University of Adelaide in February 2015.
Professor Hein has published extensively in basic and applied immunology, participated in numerous scientific advisory and review committees, given presentations at multiple national and international scientific conferences and held company director positions.
1977-1982 Veterinary Officer, Australian Bureau of Animal Health; 1982-1985 Research Scholar, John Curtin School of Medical Research, Australian National University, Australia; 1985-1998 Scientific Member, Basel Institute for Immunology, Switzerland; 1998 – 2004 Team Leader Immunoparasitology, AgResearch, New Zealand; 2005-2010 Section Manager Animal Health, AgResearch New Zealand; 2005-2010 Adjunct Professor, Institute for Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Sciences, Massey University; 2007-2010 Director, Hopkirk Research Institute, Massey University, New Zealand; 2011-2014 Professor and Head, School of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences, James Cook University (JCU), Australia; 2011-2012 Co-Director, JCU Centre for Biosecurity of Tropical Infectious Diseases; 2011-2013 Director JCU Univet Pty Ltd.
1995, 1996, 1997 Member of BBSRC Science Program Review Committees; 2003-2007 Member, Scientific Advisory Committee of the Australian Wool Innovation / Meat and Livestock Australia research programme on Functional Genomics of the Host Response to Intestinal Parasites; 2003-2006 Member, Technical Advisory Group, Animal Health Board of NZ; 2005-2007 Member, Marsden Fund Biomedical Sciences Review Panel, Royal Society of New Zealand; 2010-2011 Member, Marsden Fund Ecology Evolution and Behaviour Review Panel, Royal Society of New Zealand; 2010 Member, Peer Review Panel of the Danish Council for Strategic Research; 2012 Member, Biology and Biotechnology Research Evaluation Committee, Excellence of Research in Australia (ERA), Australian Research Council; 2012 Chair, External Review Panel to review preclinical training at the College of Veterinary Medicine, Murdoch University, Perth; 2013 - Advisory Board Member, Interdisciplinary Program for Biomedical Sciences (IPBS), Institute for Academic Initiatives, Osaka University, Japan; 2014 Chair, External Review Panel to review clinical training at the College of Veterinary Medicine, Murdoch University, Perth; 2014 - Member, National Animal Biosecurity RD&E Strategic Planning Group, Animal Health Australia.
Roseworthy Diploma of Agriculture. Roseworthy Agricultural College, March 1970.
Bachelor of Veterinary Science (IIA Hons). University of Queensland, Dec. 1976.
Doctor of Philosophy (Immunology). Australian National University, Sep. 1986.
Awards & Achievements
1976 The ICI Australia Prize in Veterinary Preventive Medicine; The PB Newcommen Prize in Animal Husbandry; The EFE Sunners Memorial Prize; The Cooper Australia Ltd. Prize in Parasitology; 1991 Industrial Research Award, American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists; 1994 DLT Smith Visiting Lecturer, University of Saskatchewan; 1995 Burroughs – Welcome Visiting Professor, Washington State University; 2013 Distinguished Service Award, Veterinary Immunology Committee of International Union of Immunological Societies.
Research Interests
Professor Hein has made major contributions to current knowledge about the structure and function of the immune system in ruminants, particularly at the molecular level. His early work focussed on the ontogeny of antigen receptor diversity in both the T and B lymphocyte lineages. During a productive phase of research at the Basel Institute for Immunology, his group cloned and sequenced all genes encoding the T cell receptors of sheep and mapped their sequential expression in different tissues during fetal and post-natal development. Collaborative work established the special role of the Peyer’s patches in generating the circulating B lymphocyte repertoire. Over the past two decades, his work has dealt mainly with immune mechanisms of resistance to gastrointestinal parasites in sheep. Due to other demands, Professor Hein currently has limited opportunities to personally conduct research, however he maintains a linkage to research through supervision of higher degree research students.
Scientific Editor, The Veterinary Journal.
Section Editor ‘Phylogeny’ in the Encyclopaedia of Immunobiology, to be published by Elsevier in 2016.
Selected Journal Articles
Bond, J.J., Pernthaner, A., Zhang, K-K., Rosanowski, S.M., Clerens, S., Bisset, S.A., Sutherland, I.A.S., Koolaard, J.P. and Hein, W.R. (2014). Efferent intestinal lymph protein responses in nematode-resistant, -resilient and –susceptible lambs under challenge with Trichostrongylus colubriformis. Jnl. Proteomics 109:356-367.
Tozaki, K, Kimura, J., Yasuda, M., Ryu, N., Nasu, T., Pernthaner, A. and Hein, W.R. (2013) C6, a new monoclonal antibody, reacts with the follicle-associated epithelium of calf ileal Peyer’s patches. J. Vet Sci. 14:1-6.
Knight, J.S., Baird, D.B., Hein W.R. and Pernthaner, A. (2010) The gastrointestinal nematode Trichostrongylus colubriformis down-regulates immune gene expression in migratory cells in afferent lymph. BMC Immunology 11:51.
Hein, W.R. Pernthaner, A., Piedrafita, D. and Meeusen, E.N. (2010) Immune mechanisms of resistance to gastrointestinal nematode infections in sheep. Parasite Immunology 32:541-548.
Maass, D., Harrison, G., Grant, W., Hein , W.R. and Shoemaker, C.B. (2009) Intraspecific epitopic variation in a carbohydrate antigen exposed on the surface of T. colubriformis infective L3 larvae. Plos Pathogens, 5(9): e1000597
Harrison, G.B.L., Pulford, H.D., Doolin, E.E., Pernthaner, A., Shoemaker, C.B. and Hein W.R. (2008) Antibodies to surface epitopes of the carbohydrate larval antigen CarLA are associated with passive protection in strongylid nematode challenge infections. Parasite Immunology, 30: 577-584.
Lefevre, E.A., Hein, W.R., Stamataki, Z., Brackenberry, L.S., Supple, E.A., Hunt, L.G., Monaghan, P., Borhis, G., Richard, Y. and Charleston, B. (2007) Fibrinogen is localized on dark zone follicular dendritic cells in vivo and enhances the proliferation and survival of a centroblastic cell line in vitro. J. Leuk. Biol.82: 666-677.
Pernthaner, A., Cole, S., Morrison, L., Green, R., Shaw, R.J. and Hein, W.R. (2006) Cytokine and antibody subclass responses in the intestinal lymph of sheep during repeated experimental infections with the nematode parasite Trichostrongylus colubriformis. Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol. 114:135-148.
Hein, W.R. and Harrison, G.B.L. (2005) Vaccines against veterinary helminths. Vet. Parasitology, 132: 217-222.
Pernthaner, A., Cole, S., Morrison, L. and Hein, W.R. (2005) Increased expression of interleukin-5 (IL-5), IL-13 and tumor necrosis factor alpha genes in intestinal lymph cells of sheep selected for enhanced resistance to nematodes during infection with Trichostrongylus colubriformis. Infection and Immunity, 73: 2175-2183.
Pernthaner, A., Shaw, R.J., McNeill, M., Morrison, L. and Hein, W.R. (2005) Total and nematode-specific IgE responses in intestinal lymph of genetically resistant and susceptible sheep during infection with Trichostrongylus colubriformis. Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol. 104:69-80.
Hein, W.R., Barber, T., Cole, S., Morrison, L. and Pernthaner, T. (2004) Long term collection and characterization of afferent lymph from the ovine small intestine. J. Immunol. Methods, 293:153-168.
Shaw, R.J., McNeill, M.M., Maass, D.R., Hein, W.R., Barber, T.K., Wheeler, M., Morris, C.A., Shoemaker, C.B. (2003) Identification and characterisation of an aspartyl protease inhibitor homologue as a major allergen of Trichostrongylus colubriformis. Int. J. Parasitol. 33:1233-1243.
Harrison, G.B.L., Pulford, H.D., Hein, W.R., Severn, W. and Shoemaker, C.B. (2003) Characterisation of a 35kDA carbohydrate larval antigen (CarLa) from Trichostrongylus colubriformis: a potential target for host immunity. Parasite Immunology 25: 79-86.
Harrison, G.B.L., Pulford, H.D., Hein, W.R., Gatehouse, T.K., Shaw, R.J., McNeill, M., Wakefield, St. J. and Shoemaker, C.B. (2003) Immune rejection of Trichostrongylus colubriformis in sheep: a possible role for intestinal mucus antibody against an L3-specific surface antigen. Parasite Immunology 25: 45-53.
Hein, W.R. and Griebel, P.J. (2003) A road less travelled : large animal models in immunological research. Nature Reviews Immunology 3: 7-13.
Pernthaner, A., Cole, S-A., Gatehouse, T. and Hein, W.R. (2002) Phenotypic diversity of antigen presenting cells in ovine afferent lymph. Archives Med. Res. 33: 405-412.
Hein, W.R. Dudler, L., Marston, W., Landsverk, T., Young, A. and Avila, D. (1998) Ubiquitination and dimerization of complement receptor type 2 on sheep B cells. J. Immunol. 161: 458-466.
Hein, W.R. and Dudler, L. (1998) Diversity of immunoglobulin light chain variable region gene expression in fetal lambs. Int. Immunol. 10: 1251-1259.
Young, A.J., Marston, W.L., Dessing, M., Dudler, L. and Hein, W.R. (1997) Distinct recirculating and non-recirculating B lymphocyte pools in the peripheral blood are defined by coordinated expression of CD21 and L-selectin. Blood 90: 4865-4875.
Hein, W.R. and Dudler, L. (1997) TCR gd+ cells are prominent in normal bovine skin and express a diverse repertoire of antigen receptors. Immunology 91: 58-64.
Ferguson, E.D., Dutia, B.M., Hein, W.R. and Hopkins, J. (1996) The sheep CD1 gene family contains at least four CD1B homologues. Immunogenetics 44: 86-96.
Griebel, P.J. and Hein, W.R. (1996) Expanding the role of Peyer’s patches in B-cell ontogeny. Immunology Today 17: 30-39.
Reynaud, C-A., Garcia, C., Hein, W.R. and Weill, J-C. (1995) Hypermutation generating the sheep Ig repertoire is an antigen-independent process. Cell 80: 115-125.
Hein, W.R. (1995) Sheep as experimental animals for immunological research. The Immunologist 3: 12-18.
Press, C.McL., Hein, W.R. and Landsverk, T. (1993) Ontogeny of leucocyte populations in the spleen of foetal lambs with emphasis on the early prominence of B cells. Immunology 80: 598-604.
Hein, W.R. and Dudler, L. (1993) Divergent evolution of T cell repertoires: extensive diversity and developmentally regulated expression of the sheep gd T cell receptor. EMBO J. 12: 715-724.
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