Minerals Processing
The Minerals Processing major explores the science and technology of extracting minerals from raw mined material, and converting them into products such as iron, steel, aluminium, copper, gold and uranium. Graduates can work in a range of roles across the resources industry.
As a minerals processing engineer you may be employed by mining and exploration companies. This could be in Australia or overseas, working on above- or underground mining sites. You might live on-site if it’s a regional location, or undertake lab- or office-based work.
Degrees that offer this study area
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Chemical)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Chemical) with Bachelor of Biotechnology
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Chemical) with Bachelor of Finance and Banking
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Chemical) with Bachelor of Mathematical and Computer Sciences
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)(Chemical) with Bachelor of Science
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Last updated: 09 Jul 2019