Directory Listing -- N
Telephone | Family name | Given name | Position | |
831 36404 | Nagel | Helen | Research Candidature Officer | [email] |
831 34137 | Nagelkerken | Ivan | Professor | [email] |
831 31339 | Nagorcka | Jen | Manager, Business Development Services | [email] |
831 33141 | Nagy | Gizella | Timetable and Planning Officer | [email] |
none registered | Nagy | Simon | Learning Designer | [email] |
831 32253 | Naiduwa | Tharundi | Senior Developer | [email] |
none registered | Naim | Md Walid Al | Software Developer | [email] |
831 35343 | Nairn | Robert | Lecturer, Classical (double bass) | [email] |
none registered | Najafzadeh | Basira | PhD Candidates | [email] |
831 33117 | Nand | Rital | Student Engagement Assistant | [email] |
831 32979 | Napoli | Maria | Team Leader, Revenue Accounting | [email] |
831 35349 | Narcis | Samantha | Manager, HR Services | [email] |
831 32542 | Nardone | Sabrina | HR Officer | [email] |
0 8128 4368 | Nassar | Zeyad | Research Fellow (C) (with PhD) | [email] |
none registered | Nath | Sonia | Postdoctoral Researcher | [email] |
831 35822 | Nathan | Gus | Professor | [email] |
831 30490 | Nawas | Abu | Research Associate | [email] |
831 34687 | Nayak | Pratik | Accounts Payable Officer | [email] |
0 0481466714 | Neal | Chris | Soft Services Facilities Managers | [email] |
831 33525 | Nechvoglod | Lisa | Project Manager, Aboriginal Research Strategy | [email] |
The information in this directory is provided to support the academic, administrative and business activities of the University of Adelaide. To facilitate these activities, entries in the University Phone Directory are not limited to University employees. The use of information provided here for any other purpose, including the sending of unsolicited commercial material via email or any other electronic format, is strictly prohibited. The University reserves the right to recover all costs incurred in the event of breach of this policy.