Engineering South -- S

TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
none registered Sadeghi Shayan Doctoral Researcher [email]
831 31448 Sangster Lil Admin Officer [email]
831 31189 Shaw Ruth Manager, ARC Training Centre for IOCR [email]
831 36994 Smithen Melissa Senior Administrative Officer [email]
831 32310 Sun Zhiwei Senior Lecturer [email]
831 30104 Symons Pascal Technical Officer [email]
831 34713 Schembri Tyler Postgraduate Student [email]
831 36465 Sergiienko Nataliia Senior Lecturer [email]
831 31120 Silakhori Mahyar Postdoctoral Research Associate [email]

The information in this directory is provided to support the academic, administrative and business activities of the University of Adelaide. To facilitate these activities, entries in the University Phone Directory are not limited to University employees. The use of information provided here for any other purpose, including the sending of unsolicited commercial material via email or any other electronic format, is strictly prohibited. The University reserves the right to recover all costs incurred in the event of breach of this policy.