The University of Adelaide -- S

TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
0 0477889192 Security Adelaide Health and Medical Sc Security Services [email]
831 33505 Seimon Niranjala International Sponsored Student Advisor [email]
831 33797 Sejdinovic Dino Professor [email]
831 32043 Selbach Sabine Senior Lecturer [email]
831 34491 Selby Adrian Teaching Support Officer, Physics [email]
831 35067 Sellwood Jane Senior Library Officer [email]
none registered Selway Sally Associate Lecturer [email]
831 34628 Semmler Carolyn Professor [email]
831 37192 Semmler John Associate Professor [email]
831 39943 Senarratne Cherranthi Assistant Accountant [email]
831 37562 Sendziuk Paul Associate Professor [email]
831 31587 Sengupta Dipan ARC Grant-Funded Researcher [email]
831 32299 Sereni Alessandro International Engagement Officer [email]
831 33656 Serocki Patricia (Trish) Lecturer [email]
831 32561 Severino Antonette Lead, International Projects & Partnerships [email]
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