Directory Listing -- R

TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
831 34536 Reeves Tracey Eresources & Applications Support Librarian [email]
831 33500 Reid Alison Research Officer [email]
831 32135 Reid Ian Professor [email]
none registered Reinhards Matiss none registered none registered
831 34215 Rhodes Teddy Lecturer, Classical Voice [email]
none registered Riboni Matteo Senior Horticultural Officer [email]
831 36294 Ricci Mario Deputy Dean, Learning and Teaching [email]
831 34031 Richter Jenny Senior Library Officer [email]
0 8222 8447 Richter Katharina NHMRC Externally-Funded Research Fellow (C) [email]
831 38375 Riddell Craig Manager, Conversion and Marketing Automation [email]
831 34451 Rifai Sami Lecturer [email]
831 30169 Riggs Karina Senior Lecturer [email]
0 8161 6328 Riley Kathryn Research Associate (A) (without PhD) [email]
831 33173 Rischmueller Kate Creative Manager [email]
831 30402 Ristic Renata Grant-Funded Researcher (B) [email]
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