Directory Listing -- T

TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
831 31818 Thursby Christine Administrative Assistant [email]
831 30770 Thyer Mark Associate Professor [email]
831 31125 Tian Zhao Senior Lecturer [email]
831 35208 Tibatemwa Emmanuel Support Consultant [email]
831 35146 Tibby John Associate Prof/Reader [email]
0 8313 0994 Tiburcius Steffi Laboratory Research Assistant [email]
0 8201 2821 Tiggeman Darryl Senior Library Officer Collection Services [email]
831 33305 Tikhonova Daria Project Manager [email]
831 34690 Tindall Alexis Manager, Digital Stewardship [email]
831 33043 Ting Alvin Senior Analyst, Strategic Projects [email]
none registered Tirumalashetty Shashikanth Senior Developer [email]
831 30942 To Thuy Trang Laboratory Research Assistant [email]
831 37318 Toben Catherine Senior Lecturer [email]
0 8313 1357 Tocchetti Lana Academic Support Librarian [email]
831 33766 Todd Steve Teacher [email]
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