Directory Listing

TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
831 31119 Coram Paul Professor [email]
831 32114 Corolis Kon Director, Capital Projects & Fac Management [email]
831 37491 Corral de Zubielqui Graciela Associate Prof/Reader [email]
none registered Cumberland Rachel Director Student Administration [email]
831 37386 Ford Christopher Associate Professor [email]
831 39162 Fredericks Nel Associate Director, Business Services [email]
831 36276 Fusil Eric Professor [email]
831 32847 Ganf Ross Director, Cultural and Campus Events [email]
831 33134 Gibson Chris Associate Director [email]
831 38145 Gilliham Matthew Director,ARC CoE in Plants for Space [email]
831 36132 Gould Donna Associate Director, Graduate Research School [email]
831 33607 Govindan Kannan Director of CSOSRC [email]
831 30029 Hardy Graham Interim PVC(Student Learning) [email]
831 33930 Haseldine Chevaun School Business Manager [email]
831 30883 Head Anita Director, Marketing [email]
831 36807 Hill Robert none registered [email]
831 36087 Hooton Shawna Manager, International Student Support [email]
831 35692 James Relly Susan Head of School [email]
831 36765 Johns Craig Associate Professor [email]
831 33616 Kannan Devika Deputy Director [email]
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