Academic Faculties Schools & Disciplines -- C

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TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
+61 8 8313 4348 Coughlin Ingrid Field Operations Officer [email]
+61 8 8313 5560 Coulson Michelle Senior Lecturer [email]
+61 8 8161 7349 Couper Richard Senior Lecturer [email]
+61 8 8313 6780 Court Lina Executive Officer, CAR [email]
+61 8 8313 6037 Coventry Brendon Associate Professor [email]
+61 8 8313 3622 Cox Dusty Senior Lecturer [email]
+61 8 8313 1686 Crabb Shona Senior Lecturer [email]
+61 8 8313 1124 Craig Richard Maritime Engine & Submarine System Specialist [email]
+61 8 8313 0142 Craven Christopher Placement Officer [email]
+61 8 8313 2754 Crawford Lotte Simulation Technical Support Officer [email]
+61 8 8313 3652 Crismani Dylan Lecturer in Music [email]
+61 8 8313 1999 Cross Cathy Client Services Officer [email]
+61 8 8313 5924 Crossin OAM Carl Associate Professor [email]
+61 8 8313 5388 Crotti Tania Associate Prof/Reader [email]
+61 8 8313 5748 Ctr for Biomedical Engineering Enquiries none registered none registered
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The information in this directory is provided to support the academic, administrative and business activities of the University of Adelaide. To facilitate these activities, entries in the University Phone Directory are not limited to University employees. The use of information provided here for any other purpose, including the sending of unsolicited commercial material via email or any other electronic format, is strictly prohibited. The University reserves the right to recover all costs incurred in the event of breach of this policy.