Academic Faculties Schools & Disciplines -- C

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TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
+61 8 8313 3660 Charlton Kimberly (Kim) Lecturer [email]
+61 8 8313 5193 Chau Leah Executive Assistant [email]
+61 8 8313 5446 Chemical Engineering-School Enquiries Chemical Engineering-School none registered
+61 8 8313 5469 Chen Lei Senior Lecturer [email]
+61 8 8313 3912 Chen Michael Senior Lecturer [email]
+61 8 8313 9308 Chen Tim Senior Lecturer [email]
+61 8 8313 7648 Chen Tong Senior Research Technician [email]
+61 8 8313 0676 Chen Weitong Lecturer [email]
none registered Chen Ling Research Staff [email]
+61 8 8313 0356 Cheong Chee Associate Prof/Reader [email]
+61 8 8313 7256 Cheung Wendy Lecturer [email]
+61 8 8313 7113 Cheung Wendy Lecturer [email]
+61 8 8313 1641 Chew Hong Gunn Lecturer [email]
none registered Chey Yu Chinn Joshua Grant Funded Researcher [email]
none registered Chhay Panharoth Grant-Funded Researcher [email]
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The information in this directory is provided to support the academic, administrative and business activities of the University of Adelaide. To facilitate these activities, entries in the University Phone Directory are not limited to University employees. The use of information provided here for any other purpose, including the sending of unsolicited commercial material via email or any other electronic format, is strictly prohibited. The University reserves the right to recover all costs incurred in the event of breach of this policy.