Academic Faculties Schools & Disciplines -- J

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TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
831 35006 Jelbart Sam Lecturer [email]
none registered Jenkinson Mark Professor of Neuro-Imaging [email]
none registered Jersmann Hubertus Professor [email]
831 30826 Jewell Nathaniel Grant-Funded Researcher (A) [email]
none registered Jia Romy (Menghao) Associate Lecturer [email]
0 8313 2049 Jiang Anne Technical Officer [email]
none registered Jiang Yuanyuan Associate Lecturer [email]
831 30753 Jiao Yan Head, School of Chemical Engineering [email]
831 35034 Jimenez Beatriz Senior Lecturer [email]
831 34766 Johns Peter Lecturer & Production Manager, Music Theatre [email]
831 32320 Johnson Evan CNC Milling Technician [email]
831 32082 Johnson Jess Administration Officer - Communications [email]
831 33246 Johnson Stuart Lecturer [email]
831 32454 Jolly Lachlan Head Neurobiology Research Group [email]
831 33242 Jolly Sean Senior Lecturer [email]
831 35422 Jones Alex Timetable & Planning Officer (ABLE) [email]
831 31475 Jones Alice Senior Lecturer (Resilience Ecology) [email]
none registered Jones Claire Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering [email]
831 30744 Jones Jeni Student Success Advisor [email]
831 30918 Joubert Alison Senior Lecturer [email]
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