Directory Listing -- S

TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
831 36217 Stewart Mark Grant-Funded Researcher (B) [email]
none registered Sthavan Shirley Senior Lecturer [email]
831 39251 Stockley Kerrie Lecturer [email]
831 33000 Stokes Christopher Client Computing Specialist [email]
831 33773 Stokes Christopher Grant-Funded Researcher (B) [email]
831 34808 Stokes Yvonne Professor [email]
831 36038 Stolz Steven Senior Lecturer [email]
none registered Stone Brendan Senior Database Administrator [email]
831 32272 Stone Jennifer Grant-Funded Researcher (A) [email]
831 30117 Stone Scarlett Exams and Results Support Officer [email]
831 31294 Stow Lauren Lecturer [email]
831 35662 Strelan Peter Head of School of Psychology [email]
831 39991 Stringer Nathan Senior Animal Technician [email]
831 36474 Stuart Gill Corporate Relations Adviser [email]
831 33530 Stubbs Matthew Professor [email]
831 35430 Student Care Student Care none registered [email]
831 38081 Studio Spare Studio - CASM none registered
831 33850 Sturman Daniel Senior Lecturer [email]
none registered Subhagan Rakesh Senior Developer [email]
none registered Subramamian Courtney Research Coordinator none registered
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