Directory Listing -- B

TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
831 33026 Balasuriya Sanjeeva Associate Professor [email]
831 31163 Balazs Crystal Internships Support Officer [email]
831 34554 Balbin Miguel Digital Content Officer [email]
831 34077 Balcerek Georgia Business Development Officer [email]
831 35887 Baldock Matthew University Senior Research Fellow [email]
831 34604 Baldwin Allison Customer Service Officer (Access Control) [email]
831 35208 Bali Shareena Student Services Officer [email]
none registered Baltodano Esquivel Mariana Business Operations Manager [email]
831 35288 Baltussen Han Professor [email]
831 36925 Banerjee Charu Project Initiation Contract Manager [email]
none registered Banks Simon Minor Works Officer [email]
831 32795 Bannink Mitch Senior RPAS Compliance Officer [email]
831 31604 Baraglia David Senior Lecturer [email]
none registered Baranoff John Senior Lecturer [email]
831 30593 Bararia Kashish HTA Analyst [email]
831 38191 Barazanchi Abdullah Senior Lecturer [email]
831 32893 Barbaro Olivia Examinations and Results Officer [email]
831 37055 Barbaro Jodie Faculty Administration Coordinator [email]
none registered Barber Greg Executive Director, IT Integration Program [email]
831 32478 Barber Susie Project Manager [email]
831 34164 Barbieri Walter Senior Lecturer [email]
831 33405 Barbour Kim Senior Lecturer [email]
831 30135 Barclay Corey Supervisor, Security Investigations [email]
831 34490 Bardsley Douglas Associate Prof/Reader [email]
831 35663 Baricz Crina Student Counsellor [email]
831 31730 Barisic Amela Special Counsel [email]
831 33000 Barker Michael Junior Cyber Security Analyst [email]
none registered Barker Nigel none registered [email]
831 32932 Barker Timothy Grant-Funded Researcher (B) [email]
831 31286 Barkoulas Christy Exams and Results Team Leader [email]
831 30977 Baroudi Sam Senior Lecturer [email]
831 37871 Barrass Chantal Research Support Officer [email]
831 35985 Barratt Daniel Int Grant-Funded Researcher B [email]
831 33240 Barreto Raul Senior Lecturer [email]
831 33892 Barros Jennifer Organisational Performance Officer [email]
831 32960 Barrow Wes Project Manager [email]
831 39833 Barry Daniel Business Intelligence Analyst [email]
831 38088 Bartel Mitchell Administrative Assistant [email]
831 34036 Bartesaghi Koc Carlos Senior Lecturer [email]
none registered Bartlett Megan Lecturer [email]
none registered Bartlett Richard Learning Designer [email]
831 31111 Bartolo Irene HR Service Centre Team Leader [email]
831 32305 Bartsch Katharine Program Director, Bachelor of Arch. Design [email]
831 33983 Barwick Susan Senior Lecturer [email]
831 34821 Baryshnikova Nadya Lecturer [email]
831 34080 Basak Animesh Dualbeam Engineer [email]
831 33926 Basheer Hassan Natasha Senior Project Initiation Contract Manager [email]
831 31371 Baskerville Courtnay Program Coordinator - Bachelor of Vet Tech [email]
831 36647 Bastian Sue Associate Professor [email]
831 35990 Bateson Guy Security Officer [email]
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