Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology -- W

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TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
831 31538 Westra Seth Professor [email]
831 35362 Whelan Fiona Grant-Funded Researcher (B) [email]
831 35055 White Lang Professor of Electrical Engineering [email]
831 30624 White Martin Professor [email]
831 37868 Whittaker Alexandra Associate Professor [email]
831 31463 Wijewickrama Chamitha Lecturer [email]
831 31905 Wilkes Anthony Technical Team Leader, An Sci and Health [email]
831 37360 Wilkinson Kerry Professor [email]
831 35843 Williams George Visiting Research Fellow [email]
none registered Wilske Cornelia Grant-Funded Researcher (A) [email]
831 31999 Wilson Krystal Veterinary Nurse [email]
none registered Wilson Matthew Senior Lecturer [email]
none registered Wilson Tom Facilities Support Officer [email]
831 31812 Withayachumnankul Withawat Professor [email]
831 33849 Wong Christopher Associate Lecturer [email]
831 33952 Wood Jamie Senior lecturer [email]
none registered Wood Lisa Field Officer [email]
831 37632 Woolford Lucy Associate Prof/Reader [email]
none registered Wootton Nina Post-doctoral Researcher [email]
831 30850 Wu Ka Senior Project Officer [email]
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