Directory Listing -- D
Telephone | Family name | Given name | Position | |
831 35398 | Dental Education & Research S | Enquiries | none registered | [email] |
831 35256 | Dentistry-Reception | Enquiries | Reception | [email] |
831 35901 | Deputy Vice-Chancellor & VP A | Enquiries | none registered | none registered |
831 33278 | Deputy Vice-Chancellor & VP R | Enquiries | none registered | [email] |
831 35346 | Document Delivery-Barr Smith L | Enquiries | none registered | [email] |
831 33044 | Domestic Scholarships & Pay | Enquiries | Enquiries | [email] |
0 8313 4873 | DVC VP - A Fax | Fax | none registered | none registered |
0 8313 7424 | Dentistry ADH Fax Number | Fax | none registered | none registered |
0 8313 4409 | Deputy Vice Chancellor & VP | Fax | none registered | none registered |
0 8313 6309 | Don Dunstan Foundation | Fax | none registered | [email] |
831 30903 | Draper | Peter | Executive Director, IIT | [email] |
831 33078 | Dobinson | Kim | Acting Chief People Officer | [email] |
831 31343 | D'Angelo | Carmel | Manager, IT Engagement | [email] |
831 31732 | De La Rue | Stephanie | Director, Research Grants (Operations) | [email] |
831 36058 | Deally | Georgina | School Business Manager Humanities | [email] |
831 36120 | Deegan | Virginia | Executive Director Infrastructure | [email] |
831 30829 | Dickmann | Richard | Executive Director | [email] |
831 31608 | Dollard | Claire | Manager, Strategic Partnerships | [email] |
831 36267 | Dolman | Katy | Manager, Researcher Education and Development | [email] |
831 35284 | Donaldson | Anne | Specialist Commercial Manager ? SAiGENCI | [email] |
831 30261 | Drivas | Nick | Head of Brand and Reputation | [email] |
831 31425 | Dyte | David | Service Management Lead | [email] |
831 32057 | Donnell | Janine | Educational Policy and Compliance Coordinator | [email] |
831 39941 | D'Addona | Suzi | Management Accountant | [email] |
831 33436 | D'Aloia | Anthea | Student as Partners Manager | [email] |
831 37009 | Da Silva | Jack | Senior Lecturer | [email] |
none registered | Dadd | Lloyd | Lecturer | [email] |
831 32127 | Dadivas | Val | Future Student Advisor | [email] |
831 33136 | Dahlenburg | Sophie | Lecturer | [email] |
831 35729 | Dahlenburg | Tanya | ELC Operations Manager | [email] |
831 37525 | Daish | Tasman | Postdoctoral Research Fellow (A) | [email] |
831 31385 | Dale | Amy | Exhibitions Coordinator | [email] |
none registered | Dalgleish | Jacob | Postdoctorate Researcher | [email] |
831 39842 | Dall | Brianna | Senior Data Engineer | [email] |
831 34809 | Dalwood | Ben | Manager, Library Applications | [email] |
0 7074 4126 | Damjanic | Natasa | CADOSA Research Assistant | [email] |
831 39947 | Dancer | Jason | Management Accountant | [email] |
831 36530 | Danenberg | Eleanor | Marketing & Communications Coordinator | [email] |
831 33942 | Dang | Hue | Postdoctoral Research Fellow | [email] |
831 33029 | Danher-Hart | Chelsea | Quality and Compliance Officer | [email] |
831 33291 | Daniels | Victoria | Administrative Support Officer | [email] |
831 30149 | Dankel | Melanie | Copy Editor/Publication Officer | [email] |
831 35328 | Dann | Sasha | Faculty Administration Coordinator | [email] |
831 34691 | Dao | Hung | International Student Advisor | [email] |
831 30226 | Daou | Denice | Placement Support Officer | [email] |
831 35373 | Darby | Lisa | Metadata Librarian | [email] |
831 35788 | Darmawan | Igusti | Senior Lecturer | [email] |
831 34866 | Das | Devjani | Manager, Student Recruitment | [email] |
831 36563 | Das | Ranjit | Technical Officer, Durum Wheat | [email] |
831 33582 | Dasanayaka | Hiruni | HTA Analyst | [email] |
The information in this directory is provided to support the academic, administrative and business activities of the University of Adelaide. To facilitate these activities, entries in the University Phone Directory are not limited to University employees. The use of information provided here for any other purpose, including the sending of unsolicited commercial material via email or any other electronic format, is strictly prohibited. The University reserves the right to recover all costs incurred in the event of breach of this policy.