Research Services

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TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
831 36231 Harwood Alison Research Ethics Officer (Human) [email]
831 36105 Highet Amanda Senior Research Compliance Officer [email]
831 39983 Hogarth Jamila Project initiation Contract manager [email]
831 36528 Holliday Carmen Senior Research Funding Officer (Post Award) [email]
831 33400 Jarrad Angie Senior Research Grants Officer [email]
831 34417 Jocher Jessica Research Admin Officer (ORECI) [email]
831 33347 Kearslake Tracy Team Lead (SET), Project Initiation [email]
831 31285 Kleinig Tim Manager, Project Initiation [email]
831 36028 Kluge Mel Senior Research Ethics Officer (Human) [email]
831 30733 Kontou Thomas Research Development Officer [email]
831 36244 Kuliwaba Julia Senior Research Funding Officer (Pre-Award) [email]
831 33716 Liu Xiaochun Senior Research Grants Officer [email]
831 34166 McLaren Kylie Research Funding Assistant (Post-Award) [email]
831 36146 McLoughlin Kate Research Grants Officer - Health-Life Science [email]
831 33340 Mitchell Samara Snr Research Information and Systems Officer [email]
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