Directory Listing

TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
831 31710 Kavetski Dmitri Professor [email]
831 34951 Laurence Caroline Professor (Level E) [email]
831 34015 Lee Andrew Director Governance Services [email]
831 37422 Lindsay Noel Dean of Business - Adelaide Business School [email]
none registered Lines Bruce Executive Director, University Integration [email]
831 33050 Love Stephen Director Research Infrastructure & Platforms [email]
831 31149 Lowe Andrew Director, Environment Institute [email]
831 33495 Lucey Simon Director [email]
831 34049 Luzzi Liana Grant-Funded Researcher (C) [email]
831 33875 MacKinnon Andrew Associate Professor/Reader [email]
831 35755 Mansfield Lisa Senior Lecturer [email]
0 8161 9269 Marchand Robert Senior Lecturer [email]
831 36816 Martin-Clark Yvonne Director, Development [email]
831 36532 Mavromaras Kostas Professor [email]
0 0400366955 McArthur Lawrence Head of Education Adelaide Rural Clinical Sch [email]
831 33489 Mifsud Paula Director, Corporate & Government Relations [email]
831 30206 Mills Adrian Executive Director, Research and Innovation [email]
831 33073 Moynihan Paula Director Food and Health [email]
831 33429 Parry Laura Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Excellence) [email]
831 35114 Phillips Braden Deputy Dean, Learning and Teaching [email]
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