Directory Listing -- H

TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
831 34900 Help SA PeopleSoft none registered [email]
831 34249 History Enquiries History none registered
831 39419 Horticulture Pathology Enquiries none registered none registered
831 31111 Human Resources Enquiries none registered [email]
0 8313 3788 Health Sciences Office Fax none registered none registered
831 30359 Hawkins Liz Executive Director, Advancement [email]
831 39245 Hessel Volker Professor in Sustainable Chemical Engineering [email]
831 35201 Hoj AC Peter Vice-Chancellor and President [email]
831 30029 Hardy Graham Interim PVC(Student Learning) [email]
831 33930 Haseldine Chevaun School Business Manager [email]
831 30883 Head Anita Director, Marketing [email]
831 36807 Hill Robert none registered [email]
831 36087 Hooton Shawna Manager, International Student Support [email]
831 30783 Hagenus Kiri Managing Director [email]
none registered Hall Alan Project Manager [email]
831 35470 Haller Leanne School Business Manager [email]
831 35515 Hancock James Deputy Director of SACES [email]
831 30536 Heathershaw Andrew Technical Support Operations Manager [email]
831 32795 Hennekam Molly Director (URAF) [email]
831 39268 Hevera Sue Director, Finance & Accounting Services [email]
0 0420511471 Hobern Donald Data Management Director, APPF [email]
831 31391 Hocking Lori Executive Director, Education Transformation [email]
0 8313 3116 Holliday Isabelle Associate Lecturer [email]
831 33630 Holmes Deanne Senior Manager Collections & Access Services [email]
831 30746 Hornby Mitzi Senior Development Manager (SAiGENCI) [email]
0 7074 2812 Horowitz Michael Professor [email]
831 37777 Hughes Peter Director, IT Operations [email]
831 30322 Hutchinson Mark Interim Director, IPAS [email]
none registered Hutchinson Paul Director, Project Management Office [email]
none registered Hutton Tammika CMEC Centre Manager [email]
none registered Hodge Nikki Executive Officer - Plants for Space [email]
831 34240 Heading Bridget Senior Infrastructure Investment Coordinator [email]
831 32604 Hogan Casey Equine Practice Manager [email]
831 36944 Hunt Lisa Business Development Manager [email]
831 31635 Haag Dandara Lecturer [email]
831 37390 Haberberger Rainer Professor [email]
831 35489 Habib Julianne Senior Library Officer [email]
none registered Habibi Nahal Lecturer [email]
831 33021 Haese Carolyn Student Academic Skills Support Officer [email]
831 35505 Haggag Sherif Director of Teaching Ops/ Course Advisor [email]
831 34296 Haghighi Manouchehr Associate Professor [email]
none registered Hague Bill Professor [email]
831 33256 Hajdu Tom Director - Sia Furler Institute [email]
831 30139 Hajduk Stefan Senior Lecturer [email]
831 33923 Hall Anthea Research Funding Officer (Post-Award) [email]
831 33059 Hall Jess Research Compliance Officer - Biosafety [email]
831 32399 Hall Laura Academic Integrity Investigations Officer [email]
831 35326 Hall Tony Specialist Snr Technical Officer [email]
831 33403 Hallows Peter HSW Officer [email]
831 30930 Halls Krystle Lecturer [email]
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