University Events Calendar

1 September, 2016

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Chris Herzfeld's Superheroes: Toxic Debris

Date/Time: Thursday, 28 July 2016 - Monday, 31 October 2016

Location: Level 3, The Hub

Cost: Free

More information: Visit website

A sequel to Superheroes: Golden Vengeance, this photographic comic strip by Chris Herzfeld is on display on level 3 Hub until 31 October 2016 during Barr Smith Library hours.

Superheroes: Golden Vengeance and its sequel Superheroes: Toxic Debris are Parallax Graphic collaborations and form a collection focused on heroes.

The work analogises good vs evil and the archetype of heroes, and brings to the fore the daily bombardment of imagery and the interplay between sacred stories and crass consumerism in modern culture.

Contact: Ms Elizabeth Pascale, Email:, Project Officer, University Collections, Business: The University of Adelaide, Other: 8313 3714


Exhibition: Have Book, Will Travel: Mapping Provenance in Rare Books & Special Collections

Date/Time: Thursday, 1 September 2016 - Monday, 31 October 2016

Location: Barr Smith Library, Rare Books & Special Collections, Level 1

Cost: Free: All Welcome

More information: Visit website

From America, England, Europe and even Antarctica, many of the books held in Special Collections have travelled far and wide to get here.

This exhibition showcases just how far some of these books have come, based on the inscriptions and bookplates found inside their covers.

This exhibition is both physical and virtual. By visiting you can explore the map of all the books featured in the exhibition and many more.

Contact: Ms Cheryl Hoskin, Email:, Special Collections Librarian, Business: (08) 8313 5224