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The Future of Trade Policy in the Asia Pacific

Date/Time: Wednesday, 21 February 2018, 4:15 pm to 6:00 pm

Location: Level 7, Ingkarni Wardli, North Terrace Campus, The University of Adelaide

Cost: Free

More information: Visit website

In Tokyo on 24 January 2018, 11 Pacific Rim countries including Australia reached an agreement to sign a revived Trans-Pacific Partnership. In March 2018 the deal will be ratified. It is understood it will deliver 18 new free trade agreements between the parties.

What does this mean for Australia?
Who stands to benefit?
How should Australian business prepare and respond?

The University of Adelaide's Institute for International Trade, in collaboration with the Centre for International Economic Studies, invite you to an interactive session lead by internationally renowned experts, on the next chapter of the economic relationships throughout the Asia Pacific.


  • Professor Christopher Findlay is Acting Executive Director of the Institute for International Trade and Executive Dean of the Faculty of the Professions. Professor Findlay is an economist with expertise in international trade policy and theory, services trade and public policy. He has published extensively on trade liberalisation, Free Trade Agreements and regional integration.

  • Professor Shujiro Urata is Professor of Economics at the Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda University, Research Fellow at the Japanese Centre for Economic Research, Faculty Fellow at the Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI), and Senior Research Advisor, Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA). Professor Urata received his Ph.D. in Economics from Stanford University. He is a former Research Associate at the Brookings Institution and an Economist at the World Bank. He specialises in international economics. Professor Urata has held numerous research and advisory positions, including senior advisor to the Government of Indonesia.

  • Associate Professor Shandre Thangavelu is Regional Director (Southeast Asia) of the Centre for International Economic Studies, Institute of International Trade. He is an active researcher on human capital development, technology transfer, foreign direct investment, trade, government infrastructure investment, productivity and economic growth. Associate Professor Thangavelu has written extensively on technology transfer and economic growth and has published his research in major international journals.

Contact: Lisa Hunt, Email:, Institute for International Trade, The University of Adelaide, Mobile: 0421 359 518