Warfare forum explores new threats, strategies
Tuesday, 11 March 2003
A new website containing details of a major forum on asymmetrical warfare, to be held at the University of Adelaide, has been launched today.
The three-day forum, called "Exploring Asymmetrical Warfare", will run from June 4-6, bringing together experts on defence, terrorism, politics, Asian studies, strategic studies and civil liberties.
Jointly organised by the university's Centre for Asian Studies and the Centre for Professional & Continuing Education, the forum aims to develop a greater understanding of the complexities involved with the new strategic environment Australia is confronting in East Asia, and outline the types of security responses (military and non-military) Australia has to meet these new challenges.
Adelaide's best-known commentator on terrorism and defence, Dr John Bruni from the university's Centre for Asian Studies, is a co- organiser and key speaker at the event.
"Asymmetrical warfare has become more widely known by the general public since the terrorist attacks in the United States on September 11, 2001," Dr Bruni says. "But asymmetrical warfare is more than just terrorism - how we prepare for the new battleground and how we respond to it is vital for our nation.
"By the end of this forum participants will have a deeper and more objective understanding of the new types of security challenges that exist in the world, and particularly those that Australia faces in its immediate strategic region. Participants will also have a better understanding of how Australia's responses and capabilities differ from allied countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom."
Dr Bruni says the University of Adelaide is increasingly becoming a centre of expertise in the field of asymmetrical warfare.
"The academic discussion in this field is not about waging war or encouraging wars, it's about providing a level of expertise on strategic issues. As long as there is conflict in our world, we need to further the discussion of issues surrounding that conflict and raise public awareness," he says.
For more information about the forum, including registration, visit www.adelaide.edu.au/awforum/
Contact Details
Email: jsbruni@bigpond.com
Director, SAGE International
(defence consultant and former University of Adelaide staff member)
Mobile: +61 448 581 890