Public Forum asks: is war the answer?
Wednesday, 2 April 2003
A public forum involving key speakers from the University of Adelaide, a leading media figure and a scientist who escaped Iraq will be held Thursday night, April 3 at 8pm.
"Perspectives on the International Situation - Is war the answer?" has been organised to promote informed discussion of the current war situation, and to develop a better understanding of the complex issues, particularly those relating to Australia's involvement.
An expert panel with knowledge of Iraq and the Middle East will present different perspectives on the current situation.
The speakers are:
Dr Felix Patrikeeff, specialist in international politics at the University of Adelaide and President of the Australian Institute of International Affairs (SA branch).
Ms Dominique Schwartz, ABC TV presenter/journalist and former ABC Middle East Correspondent.
Dr Amir Al-Obaidi, Iraqi Microbiologist, formerly a Professor of Microbiology at the Baghdad University. He escaped from Iraq two years ago as a refugee. His family remains in Baghdad.
Chairperson: Katrina Sedgwick, Director of the Inaugural Adelaide International Film Festival.
Where: Maughan Church, 43 Franklin Street Adelaide
When: 8.00 pm Thursday, April 3
Cost: $10 or $5 concession - available at the door; or from the Effective Living Centre on 8271 0329 or the Global Education Centre on 8221 6744. Credit cards accepted.
The event has been organised by the Effective Living Centre and the Global Education Centre.
Contact Details
Politics and International Studies
School of History and Politics
The University of Adelaide
Business: +61 8 8313 4607
Mobile: 0402 902 508
Margaret Calder
Business: +61 8 8274 1451
Mobile: 0418 848 846