Academic Credit Arrangements Policy
Effective 1 January 2011
3. Unit requirements and credit limits for University of Adelaide awards
4. Cross-institutional (including student exchange) study
6.1 Formal learning: Specified credit
6.2 Formal learning: Unspecified credit
6.3 Formal learning: Articulation agreements
6.4 Exemptions for prior formal learning
6.5 Non-formal and informal learning
7. Time limits
10. Admission
The University acknowledges the need for clear and effective credit arrangements to increase opportunities for students to access education, improve student mobility between sectors and institutions, and increase the pathways into and between qualifications through recognition of prior learning.
This policy sets out the principles for credit arrangements in coursework academic programs within the University of Adelaide.
This policy applies to
a. current and prospective coursework students seeking credit towards coursework academic programs for prior or concurrent learning from other institutions and workplaces; and
b. staff involved in coursework program administration.
1. Statement of commitment
a. The University will recognise prior learning, and grant credit for that learning, provided it is relevant, current and equivalent to the learning required for its academic programs and courses, and in accord with this policy.
b. Determining equivalence requires academic judgement based on appropriate evidence provided by the student of the prior learning.
2. Types of prior learning
a. The University may offer credit for:
formal learning, i.e.
i. a successfully completed unit of learning that takes place during a structured academic program which, if completed, would lead to an AQF higher education award or international equivalent; or
ii. a successfully completed unit of learning that takes place through a structured academic program that would lead to an AQF VET Diploma or Advanced Diploma, provided the student has completed the program as well as the unit.
non-formal learning, i.e. a successfully completed unit of learning that takes place through a structured program but does not lead to a formally recognised qualification
informal learning that occurs through work experience.
b. The University will require evidence of all forms of learning before credit is granted. In the case of informal learning, the University may require a student to undertake tasks which enable their learning outcomes to be assessed.
3. Unit requirements and credit limits for University of Adelaide awards
(consistent with Table 1 of the Coursework Academic Programs Policy)
a. Table 1 (click on link for printable version) specifies
i. the minimum number of University of Adelaide units required for a University of Adelaide award and which must be unique to that award, and
ii. the maximum number of units which may be counted:
- from previous study from another institution (whether the award is completed or not completed) and
- from a completed University of Adelaide award.
These limits apply to all University of Adelaide programs.
Table 1
Level of award |
Total units required for award |
Minimum number of University of Adelaide units required for award and which must be unique to that award** |
Maximum number of credit units from all external prior/concurrent learning and completed University of Adelaide program/s |
Maximum number of credit units from prior non-formal learning |
Maximum number of credit units from prior informal learning (work experience) |
Maximum number of credit units from cross- institutional # or student exchange study |
VET sector* |
Certificate III |
12-14 |
6 |
6-8 |
6-8 |
6-8 |
6 |
Certificate IV |
24 |
9 |
15 |
15 |
15 |
9 |
Diploma |
24 |
9 |
15 |
15 |
15 |
9 |
* Because learning in the VET sector is competency-based, it is practicable to assess the acquisition of competencies from a variety of prior learning opportunities. |
Higher education sector |
Undergraduate |
Diploma |
24 |
9 |
15 |
6 |
6 |
9 |
72 |
24, with 12 at highest level |
48, with not more than 12 at highest level |
6 |
6 |
24 |
Bachelor Degree* |
96 (incl combined degrees) |
36, with 18 at highest level |
60, with not more than 6 at highest level |
6 |
6 |
24 |
120 (including combined degrees) |
36, with 18 at highest level |
84, with not more than 6 at highest level |
6 |
6 |
24 |
End-on Honours program |
24 |
At least one-half of the coursework component and all the thesis component |
Not more than one-half of the coursework component and none of the thesis component |
0 |
0 |
Not more than one-quarter of the coursework component |
Postgraduate |
Professional Certificate |
6 |
6 (all)** |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Graduate Certificate |
12 |
9 (three-quarters)** |
3 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Graduate Diploma |
24 |
12 (one-half)** |
12 |
0 |
0 |
6 |
Masters Degree |
24-72 |
one-half |
one-half |
0 |
0 |
one-quarter |
* The MBBS and BDS programs are exempt from the requirement to grant credit in accord with this policy, until such time as the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) determines otherwise. ** A lesser University of Adelaide postgraduate award may be counted in full towards a higher award, where the lesser award is part of a suite of formal nested awards (e.g. Graduate Certificate/Graduate Diploma/Masters degree), but the maximum credit limits specified in Table 1 for awards which are not nested and for external prior/concurrent learning still apply. # Courses taken in accord with a formal arrangement for cooperative teaching between the University of Adelaide and another institution or institutions do not count as cross-institutional courses for the purposes of this policy. |
b. Where University of Adelaide awards are directly articulated, as in the Professional Certificate/Graduate Certificate/Graduate Diploma/Masters degree, full cross-counting of the lesser award to the higher award is permitted, provided the external credit limits for the higher award are complied with.
4. Cross-institutional (including student exchange) study
a. Prior approval for credit for cross-institutional study, i.e. study at another institution that is concurrent with the student's enrolment at the University of Adelaide, must be obtained before the student commences the cross-institutional study.
b. Approval for cross-institutional study may only be given in the following circumstances:
i. the content in the selected course or courses is not provided at the University of Adelaide at any time during the relevant academic year, or
ii. the selected courses are part of an approved student exchange scheme, or
iii. there are, in the opinion of the approving authority, sound educational or personal reasons, or
iv. there is a formal cross-institutional agreement between the University of Adelaide and another higher education provider, or
v. in other circumstances approved by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic).
5. Credit applications
Information about the application process and evidence required is available at the Credit Procedures website.
6. Types of credit
Credit for prior formal learning may be granted as specified or unspecified credit.
6.1. Formal learning: Specified credit
a. A student whose prior formal learning:
i. is from a higher education institution (whether the program is completed or not), or
ii. is a completed VET Diploma or Advanced Diploma
iii. has outcomes and assessments which are equivalent to the learning outcomes and assessment requirements of a University of Adelaide course
must be granted specified credit for that course, within the limits in Table 1.
b. Subject to 6.1.a., previously completed undergraduate courses may be given specified credit towards a postgraduate coursework program.
6.2. Formal learning: Unspecified credit
a. A student whose prior formal learning is
i. from a higher education institution, and
ii. not directly equivalent to a University of Adelaide course
must be granted unspecified credit for unrestricted electives:
i. in proportion to the amount of previous study, and
ii. up to the level at which the prior course was taken, and
iii. within the limits in Table 1 above, and
iv. within the availability of unrestricted electives in the student's program,
except that:
v. where credit is sought for a sequence of prior study that equates to a Major in a Bachelor degree, there must be a direct equivalent between the prior study and an existing Adelaide Major, and
vi. not more than 30 units of credit may be given towards a Bachelor degree for prior learning which is equivalent to level I courses; and
vii. previously completed undergraduate courses may only be given unspecified credit towards postgraduate awards if the undergraduate courses are at least at Honours level, or at level IV in an undergraduate academic program that is 96 units or more in length.
b. A student whose prior formal learning is
i. a completed VET Diploma or Advanced Diploma that does not formally articulate with a University of Adelaide program (see 6.3) and,
ii. not directly equivalent to a University of Adelaide course or courses
must be given unspecified credit in accord with the following table, subject to the availability of academic pathways in the student's University program:
AQF qualification or equivalent |
University of Adelaide Program |
Credit value |
VET Diploma (or equivalent) |
Bachelor degree |
12 units of unspecified credit at level I or II |
Advanced Diploma (or equivalent) |
Bachelor degree |
18 units of unspecified credit at level I or II |
Where there is a direct equivalence between the prior VET study and a University of Adelaide course, specified credit must be given.
Transitional provision for 6.2.b. (expires 31 December 2012): The Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic) may approve variations to the level at which credit for prior completed VET study is given, at the request of an Executive Dean.
c. Where electives are restricted to a specified discipline, a student whose prior formal learning is within that discipline must be given unspecified credit for those electives in accord with 6.2.b.
d. Where appropriate, unspecified electives may be designated with a particular discipline or level or both, for the purpose of program or prerequisite requirements.
6.3. Formal learning: Articulation agreements
If the prior formal learning is a completed VET or higher education qualification that is a University-approved articulation pathway to the relevant University qualification, equivalence has already been determined.
The specified/unspecified credit must be given for the prior qualification in accord with the articulation arrangement. [Articulation pathways must be documented in an agreement between the University of Adelaide and another institution.]
6.4. Exemptions for prior formal learning
a. Exemptions - i.e. exempting a student from doing one course, because it overlaps substantially with one previously completed, but requiring them to do another course - are not generally permitted, on the basis that if a student can demonstrate they have the required learning outcomes of the exempted course, they must be granted credit for it.
b. An exception to 6.4.a. may apply where it would result in a student repeating prior learning because of the application of Table 1 requirements. For example, a student who has passed three-quarters of a Masters at another institution, and wants to complete it at the University of Adelaide, must undertake half of the Adelaide program, in accord with Table 1. Rather than have the student repeat content in a course they have already done, an exemption could be granted, and another course substituted.
6.5. Non-formal and informal learning
a. For non-formal and informal learning, only specified credit may be granted.
b. The maximum amount of specified credit which can be granted for non-formal and informal learning is specified in Table 1 above.
c. Credit for non-formal and informal learning is not available in postgraduate programs.
7. Time limits
a. Unless there are exceptional circumstances approved by the relevant Executive Dean, prior learning will not be accepted for credit if it was completed more than 10 years before the application for credit is made.
b. This does not apply where the prior learning is for unspecified credit for an unrestricted elective course.
8. Grading of credit
Credit will not be given a mark or grade and will not be included in the calculation of a GPA, unless it forms part of a formal agreement between the University and another provider, and the other provider's courses and results are available.
9. Transferring credit
If a student transfers from one program to another, any credit approved for the original program will not automatically be transferred. Students must re-apply for credit under the new program.
10. Admission
The availability or granting of credit for prior learning does not guarantee admission to any University of Adelaide program. The University may have requirements about the level of performance in a prior learning program or course for the purposes of admission, even where that learning may otherwise be given credit.
11. Timetable clashes
Where the granting of credit causes timetable clashes or logistical problems with study combinations for a student, the University is under no obligation to make individual arrangements for that student.
12. Transitional provisions
Where there is a conflict between the application to an individual student of this policy and of the Academic Program Rules, the student may choose the provision which most advantages them.
To assist with the transition to a University-wide credit policy, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic) may, on the recommendation of the relevant Executive Dean, grant exemptions from the application of the policy when, in the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic)'s opinion, there are sound educational reasons for doing so.
Specified credit: credit granted for a specified course or courses
Unspecified credit: credit granted for an elective course or courses.
Key |
Authority category |
Authority |
Delegation holder |
Limit |
Reference in Policy |
Academic |
Academic Credit |
Approve additional circumstances when cross-institutional study may be approved under clause 4.b |
Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President Academic |
4.b.v |
Academic |
Academic Credit |
Approve exemptions to the application of clause 7.a of the Academic Credit Arrangements Policy relating to prior learning time limits |
Executive Dean |
7.b |
Academic |
Academic Credit |
Approve extension or removal of exemption from application of policy to the MBBS and BDS programs |
Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic) |
Table 1 footnote |
Academic |
Academic Credit |
Approve variations to the level at which credit for prior completed VET study is given, at the request of an Executive Dean. |
Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic) |
Transitional: authority expires 31 December 2012 |
6.2.b |
Academic |
Academic Credit |
Approve exemptions from the policy on educational grounds |
Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic) |
Transitional: authority expires 31 December 2012 |
This document is a component of Academic Credit Arrangements Policy
Policy Control Information
RMO File No. | 2022/2608 |
Policy custodian | Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Academic) |
Responsible policy officer | Pro Vice-Chancellor (Student Learning) |
Endorsed by | Academic Board |
Approved by | Vice-Chancellor and President |
Related Policies | Coursework Academic Programs Policy |
Related legislation | Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)
AQF Qualifications Pathways Policy Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000 National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 |
Effective from | 5 May 2023 |
Review Date | 4 May 2026 |
Contact for queries about the policy | Educational Quality & Compliance: |
Please refer to the Policy Directory for the latest version.