Policy Directory

Welcome to the University of Adelaide’s Policy Directory.

The University of Adelaide is governed by its Council which is established by the University of Adelaide Act 1971. Under s.9(1)(d) of the Act, Council is responsible for “establishing policy and procedural principles, consistent with legal requirements and community expectations”.

The Adelaide Policy Framework governs the development, implementation, review and deletion of policies and procedures.

Policy Directory


Browse by type:
Academic policies
Management policies
Governance policies
A-Z listing

Draft policies for which feedback is sought before the policy is finalised for approval (Staff only)

Defines key terms, acronyms and abbreviations used in University policies

Frequently asked questions


For all policy enquiries please contact:
Office of the Chancellor and Council Secretariat
E: policies@adelaide.edu.au
PH: 08 8313 5668

Policy Framework

The Adelaide Policy Framework governs the development, implementation and review of policies and related documents.

A diagrammatic representation of the Adelaide Policy Framework.

Stage One Proposal
Policy Template
Communication and Implementation Plan
Final Approval Checklist

The Feedback/Issues log enables staff and students to comment on the operation of a policy and related procedures, and identify issues to be addressed when the policy is next reviewed.