Flexi-Time Procedure

Related Policy: Workforce Management Policy

1. Definition

2. Process

3. Further Information


Details the process for implementing and managing a flexi-time time arrangement in a local work area.


This procedure applies to professional staff (excluding casual staff). Flexi-time is not considered a voluntary flexible work arrangement as defined in the Enterprise Agreement. Therefore, eligible staff can have a voluntary flexible work arrangement in place and use flexi-time concurrently.

1. Definition

Flexi-time is a formal arrangement for recording hours worked within the ordinary span of hours to allow eligible staff to:

a) vary their start, finish and meal break times outside their local work area's core hours to enable them, for example, to drop children of to school in the morning

b) accrue a total of 10 credit hours during the span of ordinary hours in order to take time off (usually for the purpose of managing personal commitments) at a time that is mutually convenient for the staff member and their local work area.

Flexi-time accruals:

* in excess of 10 hours will be forfeited

* are not transferrable between Schools/Branches. Staff must arrange with their supervisor to take any flexi-time accrued prior to moving to another School/Branch otherwise the hours will be forfeited

* do not attract any payment. Staff must arrange with their supervisor to take any flexi-time accrued prior to leaving the University otherwise the hours will be forfeited.

Note: overtime payments and time off in lieu of overtime (TOIL) are distinct from flexi-time. Overtime is only incurred when a staff member is formally directed by their supervisor to perform work in excess of 36.75 hours per week or outside the spread of ordinary hours. The Overtime and TOIL Procedure (under development) provides further information on these arrangements.

Enterprise Agreement Information (as amended or replaced)

* Clause 2.3.5 - Hours of Duty Professional Staff

2. Process

Responsibility: Head of School/Branch Head

1.1. Determine if the School or Branch can accommodate flexi-time arrangements.

1.2. If a flexi-time arrangement can be accommodated, establish a clear framework that meets the local work area's operational requirements, for example:

* core hours that staff must be on duty, e.g. 10.00am - 12.00pm and 2.00pm - 4.00pm

* flexi-time work patterns available

* a timesheet that staff must use to record their start, finish and meal break times.

1.3. Communicate the flexi-time framework to supervisors and staff.

1.4. Ensure that supervisors and staff are aware of and comply with this procedure and the local work area's flexi-time framework.

Responsibility: Staff Member

1.5. Ensure that you comply with this procedure and your local work area's flexi-time framework.

1.6. Record your start, finish and meal break times daily using your local work area's designated timesheet. Accruals must not exceed 10 hours in total.

1.7. Provide your timesheet to your supervisor on a fortnightly basis for approval.

1.8. In consultation with your supervisor, arrange to take any credit flexi hours at a mutually convenient time.

Responsibility: Supervisor

1.9. Ensure that you comply with this procedure, your local work area's flexi-time framework and actively manage staff members' workloads.

1.10. Approve all flexi-time work patterns.

1.11. Ensure that each staff member's flexi-time accruals do not exceed 10 hours in total.

1.12. Approve timesheets and retain in a confidential location.

1.13. Approve all flexi-time absences.

3. Further Information

If you require assistance in understanding any aspect of this document, please contact the Human Resources Service Centre, extension: 31111 or email: hrservicecentre@adelaide.edu.au

Date uploaded 11 March 2011

This document is a component of Workforce Management Policy

Policy Control Information

RMO File No. 2015/11347
Policy custodian Chief Operating Officer
Responsible policy officer Executive Director, Human Resources
Approved by Vice-Chancellor and President
Related Policies Recruitment Policy
Remuneration and Employment Benefits Policy Behaviour and Conduct Policy

Staff Development, Performance and Promotion Policy

Health Safety and Wellbeing Policy

The University of Adelaide Enterprise Agreement

Related legislation Age Discrimination Act 2004 (Cth)

Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 (Cth)

Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth)

Equal Opportunity Act 1984 (SA)

Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth)

Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)

Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth)

Racial Vilification Act 1996 (SA)

Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth)

Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (SA)

Work Health and Safety Regulations 2012 (SA)

Superceded Policies Flexible Work Arrangements Guidelines

Flexi-Time Guidelines

Reduced Hours for the Care of Children Guidelines

Notification of Absence Policy

Long Term Sickness, Temporary Incapacity & Disablement Leave Guidelines

Leave Report Guidelines

Leaving the University Policy

Severance Pay Procedure

Special Studies Program Policy

Unexplained Absence from Work Procedure

Compressed Weeks Procedure

Purchased Leave Procedure

Workplace Modifications Procedure

Incapacity to Perform Duties Procedure

Effective from 8 March 2023
Review Date 7 March 2026
Contact for queries about the policy Human Resources Service Centre - ext. 31111

Please refer to the Policy Directory for the latest version.