Directory Listing -- J

TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
none registered Jiang Yuanyuan Associate Lecturer [email]
831 30753 Jiao Yan Head, School of Chemical Engineering [email]
831 35034 Jimenez Beatriz Senior Lecturer [email]
none registered Jin Huanyu Internal Grant-Funded Researcher B [email]
831 34417 Jocher Jessica Research Admin Officer (ORECI) [email]
831 36765 Johns Craig Associate Professor [email]
831 34766 Johns Peter Lecturer & Production Manager, Music Theatre [email]
831 34290 Johnson Bianca Examinations and Results Officer [email]
831 32320 Johnson Evan CNC Milling Technician [email]
831 32082 Johnson Jess Administration Officer - Communications [email]
831 30654 Johnson Michael Assistant Accountant [email]
831 36155 Johnson Renee Manager [email]
831 33246 Johnson Stuart Lecturer [email]
831 31286 Johnson Tristan Team Leader, Exams & Results (HMS) [email]
none registered Johnston Dave Video Production Coordinator [email]
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