Medical Sciences

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TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
831 35191 Peirce Eleanor Senior Lecturer [email]
831 34150 Plummer Stephanie Lecturer [email]
none registered Quirk Bryden Grant-Funded Researcher (C) [email]
831 36294 Ricci Mario Deputy Dean, Learning and Teaching [email]
831 38159 Robker Rebecca Professor [email]
831 31313 Rogasch Nigel ARC Externally-Funded Research Fellow (C) [email]
831 37192 Semmler John Associate Professor [email]
831 32751 Shakib Sepehr Professor [email]
831 31503 Sharkey David NHMRC Postdoctoral Researcher (B) [email]
831 32355 Shoubridge Cheryl Senior Research Fellow (D) [email]
831 31235 Sidhu Simran Senior Lecturer [email]
831 35287 Smid Scott Senior Lecturer [email]
831 35572 Somogyi Andrew Professor [email]
none registered St John Jus NHMRC Grant-Funded Researchr E [email]
none registered Stables Jennifer Postdoctoral Researcher [email]
none registered Tan Tiffany NHMRC Grant-Funded Researcher A [email]
0 8128 4823 Thomas Paul Professor [email]
831 36395 Thompson Nichola Senior Lecturer [email]
none registered Wardill Hannah NHMRC Externally-Funded Research Fellow C [email]
831 34435 Wiederman Steven Associate Professor Level D [email]
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