Administrative Divisions Branches & Sections -- K

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TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
831 35120 Keany Sarah Executive Officer Operations [email]
831 30520 Krumbiegel Doreen Director, Graduate Research School [email]
831 33616 Kannan Devika Deputy Director [email]
831 39280 Kuzyakov Jacob Business Development Manager [email]
831 38924 Keany Mitchell Acting Finance Manager SET [email]
831 35663 Kelly Nikki Manager, Counselling Support [email]
831 34034 Kennedy Mark Manager, Security Services [email]
831 33142 Kern Steve Senior Development Manager [email]
831 36113 Kerr Monica Director, Res Ethics, Compliance & Integrity [email]
none registered Klapdor Tim Online Learning Design and Content Manager [email]
831 34638 Knipe Jane Manager, Audit & Compliance [email]
831 30070 Krischer Marco Strategic Development Manager [email]
831 36750 Kwan Fiona Management Accountant [email]
831 34673 Kwan Jeremy Director, Estate Planning & Investment [email]
831 34814 Kyr Dan ITDS Liaison Manager [email]
none registered Kalogeras Christine Project Manager [email]
0 8313 3308 Kanelos Alexia Project Officer [email]
none registered Karshan Kavika Senior Business Analyst [email]
831 33901 Kashyap Rishi Director, Strategic Projects [email]
831 34944 Kassa Wondwossen Research Agreements & Partner Relations Coord [email]
831 32992 Kate Moskwa Manager, Special Collections and Archives [email]
831 34247 Kathigitis Joshua Senior Business Improve Analyst [email]
831 39186 Katranis Andrea Finance Manager [email]
831 30706 Katselis Linda Research Candidature Officer [email]
831 36808 Katsikitis Michael Senior Project Officer [email]
831 35131 Kaur Kam Lecturer [email]
none registered Kaur Reena Project Manager [email]
831 32866 Kawashima Nobuyuki Microanalyst [email]
831 33347 Kearslake Tracy Team Lead (SET), Project Initiation [email]
831 34032 Kecojevic Velibor Senior UI/UX Designer [email]
none registered Keijsers Willeke Education Performance & Eval. Project Officer [email]
831 36800 Kelly April Team Leader, Timetabling & Planning (SET) [email]
831 30747 Kelly Emily Development Manager (ABLE) [email]
831 34862 Kemp Emily Academic & Student Engagement Service Partner [email]
831 35556 Kenjle Vikram Manager, Assets, Planning & Energy [email]
831 33208 Kenneally Amelia Principal Investigator [email]
none registered Kenneally Georgia Senior Project Officer [email]
831 34574 Kennedy Dalice Senior Development Officer [email]
831 33413 Kennedy Kate Coursework Scholarships & Prizes Officer-Lead [email]
831 35747 Kersley Brooke Executive Officer [email]
831 35663 Khanna Soomedha Triage Assessment Advisor [email]
none registered Khouri Bernard Service Delivery Manager [email]
831 36664 Khoury Natalie Senior Events Coordinator [email]
none registered Kidd Dalestair Course Builder [email]
831 34466 Kieselbach Marie Application Specialist [email]
831 31811 Kiess Thomas Audio Visual Technician [email]
831 30289 Kildare Sharon Student Success Advisor [email]
831 39808 Killian Joe Procurement Services [email]
831 39975 Kim Hyeju Financial Accountant [email]
none registered King Andrew Service Delivery Manager [email]
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The information in this directory is provided to support the academic, administrative and business activities of the University of Adelaide. To facilitate these activities, entries in the University Phone Directory are not limited to University employees. The use of information provided here for any other purpose, including the sending of unsolicited commercial material via email or any other electronic format, is strictly prohibited. The University reserves the right to recover all costs incurred in the event of breach of this policy.