Administrative Divisions Branches & Sections -- R
- Division of Academic and Student Engagement
- Education Transformation
- Indigenous Engagement
- Office of Academic and Student Engagement
- Student Experience
- Accommodation Services
- Ask Adelaide
- Employability, Careers and Student Academic Skills
- International Student Support
- Learning Enhancement and Innovation
- Roseworthy Residential Services
- Student Administration
- Student Engagement and Success
- Student Life and Student Affairs
- Student Wellbeing and Access
- Student Learning
- University Library
- Division of External Engagement
- Division of Research and Innovation
- Adelaide Graduate Research School
- Australian Institute for Machine Learning
- Business Development
- Commercialisation
- Defence and Security Institute
- Environment Institute
- Institute for Photonics and Advanced Sensing
- Institute for Sustainability Energy and Resources (ISER)
- Laboratory Animal Services
- Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Research)
- Research Infrastructure and Platforms
- Research Services
- Robinson Research Institute
- Trailblazer
- Waite Research Institute
- Division of University Integration
- Division of University Operations
- External
- Persons of Interest (POI)
- Vice-Chancellor and President
Telephone | Family name | Given name | Position | |
831 35137 | Research Services | Enquiries | none registered | [email] |
831 33658 | Research Services | PEIR | none registered | [email] |
831 35224 | Rare Books-Special Collections | Enquiries | none registered | [email] |
831 35334 | Records Services | Helpdesk | none registered | [email] |
831 37812 | Roseworthy Campus Student Serv | Enquiry | Roseworthy Campus Student Services Office | [email] |
831 37844 | Roseworthy Library | Enquiries | none registered | [email] |
0 8313 3700 | Research Services | Fax | none registered | none registered |
831 34272 | Robson | David | Director Research Services | [email] |
831 31699 | Roder | Thomas | DeputyDirector, Research and Innovation | [email] |
831 31062 | Royals | Jaime | Associate University Librarian | [email] |
831 30932 | Raneskold | Susanne | Global Partnerships Manager | [email] |
831 31454 | Reynolds | Kate | Manager, Business Intelligence & Analytics | [email] |
831 37377 | Roberts | Paul | Director, Health, Safety & Wellbeing | [email] |
831 35084 | Roberts | Steph | Director, HR Advisory & Workplace Relations | [email] |
831 30448 | Rosenbauer | Paula | Research Support Lead SET | [email] |
831 38066 | Reed | Diana | Manager, Candidature and Examinations | [email] |
831 36814 | Radcliffe | Kelly | Senior Educational Quality Officer | [email] |
831 37062 | Raeburn | Jessica | Educational Compliance Coordinator | [email] |
831 31111 | Raeck | Julie | Payroll and Benefits Officer | [email] |
831 34132 | Rahman | Tazrin | Future Student Advisor | [email] |
831 37400 | Rajkovic | Roger | Senior Educational Quality Officer | [email] |
831 32469 | Raju | Rahul | Senior Developer | [email] |
831 35663 | Rakshit | Rima | Student Counsellor | [email] |
831 30254 | Ramos-Miguel | Girlie | Immigration and Mobility Officer | [email] |
831 35962 | Rankine | Linda | Disability Advisor | [email] |
none registered | Raptis | Jola | Project Coordinator | [email] |
0 8313 0381 | Rashid | Shamaila | Support Coordinator | [email] |
831 33427 | Rathnappulige | Sasikala | Learning Designer | [email] |
831 32713 | Rattley | Jessica | Marketing Manager, International | [email] |
831 33467 | Ratzmer | Michelle | Teaching Excellence Officer | [email] |
831 32574 | Rauf | Abdul | Technical Lead | [email] |
831 39205 | Ravan Bakhsh | Behzad | Senior Developer | [email] |
831 38305 | Raven | Sonja | Library Communications Officer | [email] |
831 34193 | Rawes | Matt | Manager, International Relations | [email] |
831 34343 | Rawls | Dana | Manager, Communications | [email] |
831 31447 | Ray | Shounak | Snr Business Develop Manager - Sustainability | [email] |
831 30547 | Rboub | Soufiane | International Sponsored Student Advisor | [email] |
831 34807 | Reaiche-Miller | Georget | Biobank Manager | [email] |
831 35123 | Rebecca | Giles | Employability Programs Lead and WiSC | [email] |
831 32209 | Rebello | Keith | Global Partnerships Officer | [email] |
831 36358 | Rebelos | John | Senior Application Specialist | [email] |
831 39818 | Reddy | Bernedine | Talent Acquisition Officer | [email] |
831 39975 | Redfern | Luke | Financial Accountant | [email] |
831 36316 | Rees | Kate | Manager, Marketing (ABLE) | [email] |
none registered | Reeves | Darryll | Senior Analyst, IT Portfolio | [email] |
831 34536 | Reeves | Tracey | Eresources & Applications Support Librarian | [email] |
831 34031 | Richter | Jenny | Senior Library Officer | [email] |
831 38375 | Riddell | Craig | Manager, Conversion and Marketing Automation | [email] |
831 33173 | Rischmueller | Kate | Creative Manager | [email] |
831 36329 | Ritter | Lesley | Senior Research Grants Officer | [email] |
The information in this directory is provided to support the academic, administrative and business activities of the University of Adelaide. To facilitate these activities, entries in the University Phone Directory are not limited to University employees. The use of information provided here for any other purpose, including the sending of unsolicited commercial material via email or any other electronic format, is strictly prohibited. The University reserves the right to recover all costs incurred in the event of breach of this policy.