Directory Listing

TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
831 33118 Polo Jose Director of Adelaide Centre for Epigenetics [email]
0 8313 1033 Powers Jane Director [email]
831 35358 Pyke Simon Professor [email]
831 35228 Roberts Rachel Professor [email]
831 34094 Robertson Sarah NHMRC Ext-Funded Rsch Fellow E [email]
831 34272 Robson David Director Research Services [email]
831 31699 Roder Thomas DeputyDirector, Research and Innovation [email]
831 31062 Royals Jaime Associate University Librarian [email]
831 33266 Searle Iain Associate Prof/Reader [email]
831 34117 Soong Wen Associate Professor [email]
831 34467 Sturm Samantha Associate Director Alumni Relations [email]
831 33006 Sullivan Adrienne Group Leader, Adelaide Centre for Epigenetics [email]
831 39595 Sweeney Christopher Director, SAiGENCI [email]
0 0412688313 Tansu Nelson Head of School, Elect. & Mech. Engineering [email]
831 34893 Thomas Josephine Dean of Medicine & Head of School [email]
831 31471 Tran Nam Nghiep Associate Dean, Internationalisation [email]
831 31229 Turnbull Deborah Chair of Psychology [email]
831 34270 Veitch Peter Professor [email]
831 33784 Westphalen Linda Associate Dean, Curriculum [email]
831 30106 Woodgate Rob Head of School [email]
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