Directory Listing -- C
Telephone | Family name | Given name | Position | |
831 35924 | Crossin OAM | Carl | Associate Professor | [email] |
831 35388 | Crotti | Tania | Associate Prof/Reader | [email] |
831 33911 | Crotty | Mikaila | Specialist: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion | [email] |
831 33411 | Crouch | Dascey | Admissions Officer | [email] |
831 35862 | Crouch | Nicholas | Associate Lecturer | [email] |
831 31612 | Crowden | Cassie | IT Gov & Admin Officer | [email] |
831 35748 | Ctr for Biomedical Engineering | Enquiries | none registered | none registered |
831 34071 | Cubelic | Jasmina | Short Programs Coordinator | [email] |
831 30574 | Culton | John | Associate Professor | [email] |
831 35020 | Cumberford | Carole | Research Funding Administrator (Post Award) | [email] |
831 37606 | Cunnew | Natasha | Project Coordinator | [email] |
831 34698 | Cunningham-Moody | Shaneen | Research Funding Officer (Pre-Award) | [email] |
831 33099 | Curran | Dara | Internships Team Leader (SET) | [email] |
831 34840 | Currie | Jenna | Senior Executive Assistant | [email] |
831 36302 | Curtis | Joshua | Lecturer | [email] |
none registered | Cusack | Lynette | Associate Professor/Reader | [email] |
831 33939 | Cutter-Russell | Sarah | Faculty Administration Coordinator | [email] |
831 31128 | Caetano | Mariana | Senior Lecturer | [email] |
none registered | Cai | Yichao | PhD Student | [email] |
none registered | Cakouros | Dimitrios | Lecturer | [email] |
831 30402 | Caliani | Natalia | PhD Student | [email] |
0 8128 4694 | Cantley | Melissa | NHMRC Ext-Funded Rsch Fellow B | [email] |
831 31656 | Capone | Dimitra | Principal Analytical Research Fellow | [email] |
831 38046 | Carageorgos | Themis | Grant-Funded Researcher (B) | [email] |
831 36564 | Catt | Sam | Senior Research Officer | [email] |
none registered | Cave | Bradley | Postgraduate Student | [email] |
831 36812 | Chalmers | Ken | Grant-Funded Researcher (D) | [email] |
none registered | Chambers | Thomas | Grant-Funded Researcher (A) | [email] |
none registered | Chandrakanthan | Vashe | Senior Research Fellow | [email] |
none registered | Chapman | Elyse | Visiting Research Fellow | [email] |
none registered | Chekunov | Sebastian | PhD Candidate | [email] |
831 35460 | Chen | Yujie | ARC DECRA Fellow | [email] |
831 34764 | Chen | Valentina | Research Fellow | [email] |
831 30012 | Child | Brittany | PhD Candidate | [email] |
831 33042 | Chilton | Daniel | M.Phil. Candidate | [email] |
0 8133 4005 | Chong | Cher-Rin | NHMRC Ext-Funded Rsch Fellow B | [email] |
0 8128 4875 | Christie | Stewart | NHMRC Ext Fund Res Fellow (A) | [email] |
none registered | Ciobanu | Alexei | Postgraduate Student | none registered |
none registered | Ciobanu | Liliana | NHMRC Grant-Funded Researcher C | [email] |
none registered | Cipriani | Vittoria | PhD Candidate | [email] |
831 33608 | Clair | Amy | Lecturer and Deputy Director, ACHR | [email] |
none registered | Clausen | Marianne | Postdoc Research Fellow (A) | [email] |
831 37171 | Coad | Bryan | Grant-Funded Researcher (C) | [email] |
none registered | Coleman | Matthew | PhD Candidate | [email] |
831 34576 | Collin | Gabriel | Grant-Funded Researcher (B) | [email] |
831 34251 | Collins | Helen | Grant-Funded Researcher (B) | [email] |
831 31127 | Comerford | Iain | Lecturer | [email] |
none registered | Couto Moniz | Mariana | PhD Candidate | [email] |
831 37181 | Cowley | James | Internal Grant-Funded Researcher (B) | [email] |
831 33428 | Crawford | Joshua | Postgraduate Student | [email] |
The information in this directory is provided to support the academic, administrative and business activities of the University of Adelaide. To facilitate these activities, entries in the University Phone Directory are not limited to University employees. The use of information provided here for any other purpose, including the sending of unsolicited commercial material via email or any other electronic format, is strictly prohibited. The University reserves the right to recover all costs incurred in the event of breach of this policy.