Division of University Operations -- S

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TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
831 33496 SELT Enquiries none registered [email]
831 35990 Security Campus Escort see Campus Services Security Campus Escort [email]
831 37999 Security Roseworthy Enquiries none registered [email]
831 37200 Security Waite Enquiries none registered [email]
831 35880 Student Finance Student Finance Office Student Finance Office [email]
0 8313 6011 Security Fax none registered none registered
831 34719 Sayers Russell Senior Analyst [email]
831 35805 Scott Andre Chief Financial Officer [email]
831 36467 Sheldon Gwyneth Finance Manager [email]
831 33913 Simpson Lauren Manager, Leadership & Talent [email]
831 33074 Singh Abhishek Chief Architect & CISO [email]
831 31912 Smith Paul Senior Space Planner [email]
831 35017 Sterzl Brett Manager, Finance Strategy and Reporting [email]
831 33282 Saha Suzanah Talent Acquisition Specialist [email]
831 33760 Salkeld Matt Senior Systems Specialist [email]
none registered Salvemini Steven Senior Application Specialist [email]
831 33103 Sandow Chris Management Accountant [email]
831 30323 Santos Fabiano Trusts and FOI Officer [email]
831 32570 Santos Meriam Senior Application Specialist [email]
none registered Sanyal Madhulika Senior Project Officer [email]
831 37884 Sardelis Kelly Senior HR Advisor [email]
831 33353 Sathiyamoorthy Priyanka HR Officer [email]
none registered Schliebs Phillipa Engagement Project Officer [email]
831 36519 Scholefield Kaylee Contract Manager [email]
831 35213 Seagrim Tanya Team Leader, Payroll [email]
0 0477889192 Security Adelaide Health and Medical Sc Security Services [email]
831 39943 Senarratne Cherranthi Assistant Accountant [email]
831 36970 Sexton Jenny T&E Support Officer [email]
831 31111 Sghirripa Nikolas HR Service Centre Officer [email]
none registered Shahi Pooja Service Desk Analyst [email]
831 34383 Shahin Leen Management Accountant [email]
831 35837 Shipway Bruce Senior Application Specialist [email]
831 37437 Shipway Hanna Assistant Revenue Officer [email]
831 35590 Sicat Eleanor (Anne) Senior Network Specialist [email]
831 32019 Silvestri Claude Analyst [email]
831 36359 Singh Chetan Scrum Master [email]
831 37618 Singh Gurinder Developer [email]
831 34318 Singh Prashant Analyst, Strategic Projects [email]
831 35301 Slater Aubrey Space Management Officer [email]
831 39928 Smith Stuart Senior Data Engineer [email]
831 33848 Soon Kristeen Accountant [email]
831 30540 Sosnowski Ann-Marie HR Policy Specialist [email]
831 37217 Sperring Linda Site Supervisor Waite [email]
831 39217 Spinelli Anthony Senior Commercial Analyst [email]
831 34257 Spry Jo-Ann HR Manager - HMS [email]
831 35778 Stafford Leonie Remuneration Officer [email]
831 31739 Stephens Cassie HR Officer [email]
831 33000 Stokes Christopher Client Computing Specialist [email]
none registered Stone Brendan Senior Database Administrator [email]
none registered Subhagan Rakesh Senior Developer [email]
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The information in this directory is provided to support the academic, administrative and business activities of the University of Adelaide. To facilitate these activities, entries in the University Phone Directory are not limited to University employees. The use of information provided here for any other purpose, including the sending of unsolicited commercial material via email or any other electronic format, is strictly prohibited. The University reserves the right to recover all costs incurred in the event of breach of this policy.