Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences -- P
Telephone | Family name | Given name | Position | |
831 34732 | PTRC Physiology Teaching & | Resource Ctr | none registered | none registered |
831 35100 | Paediatrics & Reprod Health | Enquiries | none registered | none registered |
0 8222 6909 | Psychiatry-TQEH | Enquiries | none registered | none registered |
831 34131 | Public Health | General | none registered | [email] |
0 8313 0158 | PA O & G | Fax | none registered | none registered |
0 8161 7031 | Paediatrics | Fax | none registered | none registered |
0 8313 4408 | Pathology | Fax | none registered | none registered |
0 8224 0685 | Pharmacology | Fax | none registered | none registered |
0 8313 1315 | Printing Area Fax | Fax | none registered | none registered |
0 8222 6025 | Psychiatry | Fax | none registered | none registered |
0 8222 2865 | Psychiatry | Fax | none registered | none registered |
831 33118 | Polo | Jose | Director of Adelaide Centre for Epigenetics | [email] |
831 33637 | Pilla | Bianca | Global Relations Manager | [email] |
0 8128 4840 | Page | Amanda | Grant-Funded Researcher (E) | [email] |
831 31225 | Page | Tammy | Associate Professor | [email] |
831 35266 | Pagoudis | Stephenie | Lecturer | [email] |
831 32158 | Palmer | Lyle | Professor of Genetic Epidemiology | [email] |
831 30895 | Pantelis | Tina | Team Leader Faculty Operations | [email] |
831 34242 | Parker | Eleanor | Associate Professor | [email] |
0 8222 8685 | Pasupathy | Sivabaskari | NHMRC Grant-Funded Researchr A | [email] |
831 36016 | Pate | Elyce | Lecturer | [email] |
none registered | Pathirana | Maleesa | Study Coordinator | [email] |
0 8128 4695 | Paton | Sharon | Technical Officer | [email] |
none registered | Patterson | Deirdre | none registered | [email] |
0 8313 8163 | Pearce | Anna | Lecturer | [email] |
none registered | Pearce | Brooke | Senior Teaching Laboratory Support Staff | [email] |
0 8621 3600 | Pedler | Katrina | Administration/Research Officer | [email] |
831 35191 | Peirce | Eleanor | Senior Lecturer | [email] |
0 8161 8134 | Pena Vargas | Alexia | Associate Prof/Reader | [email] |
none registered | Pennington | Dianne | Student Support Coordinator | [email] |
0 8161 8747 | Penno | Megan | Grant-Funded Researcher (C) | [email] |
831 34527 | Pepper | Kylie | Placements Officer | [email] |
831 34642 | Pericleous | Kleopatra | Research Officer | [email] |
831 37856 | Peters | Casey | Research Manager Dame Roma Mitchell Res Lab | [email] |
831 31865 | Pham | Hannah | Lecturer in Clinical Education | [email] |
831 35100 | Pham | Kitty | Lecturer | [email] |
831 30020 | Phillips | Carolyn | Digital Engagement Assistant | [email] |
831 37862 | Pickering | Marie | Technical Officer | [email] |
831 38068 | Plastow | Katrina | Senior Lecturer | [email] |
831 34150 | Plummer | Stephanie | Lecturer | [email] |
none registered | Porkelsdfottir | Adalbjorg | none registered | none registered |
831 33891 | Porter | Lisa | Lecturer | [email] |
831 34176 | Price | Kiara | Project Coordinator | [email] |
831 33697 | Prideaux | Nicole | Lecturer | [email] |
831 33871 | Prince | Caitlin | Lecturer | [email] |
none registered | Princi-Hubbard | Rita | Senior Lecturer | [email] |
831 33818 | Proeve | Michael | Senior Lecturer | [email] |
0 8222 7158 | Psaltis | Alkis | Professor | [email] |
831 30745 | Puiu | Caroline | Research Assistant | [email] |
0 8128 4694 | Panagopoulos | Vasilios | NHMRC Ext-Funded Rsch Fellow B | [email] |
The information in this directory is provided to support the academic, administrative and business activities of the University of Adelaide. To facilitate these activities, entries in the University Phone Directory are not limited to University employees. The use of information provided here for any other purpose, including the sending of unsolicited commercial material via email or any other electronic format, is strictly prohibited. The University reserves the right to recover all costs incurred in the event of breach of this policy.