Foods, farms and future careers the focus of Uni open day with a difference

Wednesday, 8 October 1997

High powered science is playing a part in turning agricultural pests into the foundation of a new South Australian export industry - boutique olive oils.

Researchers at the University of Adelaide's Division of Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences who use DNA testing, chemical analysis and a sophisticated sensory laboratory in their wild olive research programs will display their achievements at the University's 1998 Open Day.

The project is aimed at identifying and propagating the best of the wild olive trees which flourish around the State, and developing knowledge of the characteristics of 'boutique' olive oils.

Tastings of the different oils will be a feature of the Open Day, to be held at the University's Roseworthy Campus on Sunday, October 19.

Visitors will also be able to test their knowledge of the taste and flavour characteristics of wine, learn how moths are waging war on weeds and take tours of the Roseworthy Campus farms which include crops, pigs, deer and poultry.

The University's Centre for the History of Food and Drink will also be participating, along with displays of spatial information systems, a working earthquake model, anatomy and forensic dentistry, while Associate Professor Mike Tyler will discuss his latest research involving frogs.

Vice-Chancellor Professor Mary O'Kane says the Open Day is also a chance for visitors to broaden their knowledge of the historic Roseworthy campus, and catch up on the latest information on the University's broad range of courses and the careers to which they lead.

A Bush Food Feast, a range of gourmet foods, music, hayrides and entertainment for the whole family will be available - as well as a group of sky divers who will drop in at 2pm.

Open Day at the Roseworthy Campus, Sunday, 19 October. Programs and maps available on arrival. The Campus is 10 kilometres north-west of Gawler via Main North Road and Gawler Bypass. Buses will run from Gawler Station to the campus throughout the day.


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