Faculty of Sciences, Engineering and Technology -- M

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TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
831 31092 Mechanical Engineering Workshop none registered none registered
831 35460 Mechanical Engineering-School Enquiries none registered [email]
831 35352 Molecular Life Sciences Enquiries none registered none registered
0 8313 4367 Mechanical Engineering Fax none registered none registered
0 8222 5937 Medical Physics Fax none registered none registered
0 8313 4362 Molecular & Biomedical Sci Fax none registered none registered
none registered McCabe Peter Deputy Head of School [email]
831 33875 MacKinnon Andrew Associate Professor/Reader [email]
831 35943 Metha Greg Professor [email]
831 39242 Ma Chao Technical Officer [email]
0 8313 4233 MacDermot Paige Faculty Administration Coordinator [email]
831 37329 Mackenzie Jamie Grant-Funded Researcher (B) [email]
none registered Maclean John Lecturer none registered
831 37524 Madawala Jayashrini Technical Store Support Officer [email]
831 32051 Maennel Kaie Lecturer [email]
831 32038 Maennel Olaf Professor [email]
831 30309 Mafakheri Ali Research Technical Support Officer [email]
831 31137 Mai Thuy Node Operation Officer [email]
831 34139 Maier Holger Professor [email]
831 34825 Malik Arif Grant-Funded Researcher [email]
none registered Mao Jianfeng ARC Future Fellow [email]
none registered Mares Lachlan Postdoctoral Research Fellow (B) (with PhD) [email]
831 35369 Margach Catherine Senior Teaching Support Officer, Chemistry [email]
831 30541 Marini Danila Int Grant-Funded Researcher B [email]
831 38367 Martín-Forés Irene Data Synthesis Officer [email]
831 33712 Mattner Trent Lecturer [email]
831 33989 Mays Anthony Lecturer [email]
0 0420995406 McAfee Dominic ARC Grant-Funded Researcher B [email]
831 37820 McAllister Milton Associate Professor [email]
none registered McArthur Michelle Associate Professor [email]
831 37358 McDonald Glenn Associate Professor [email]
831 37947 McEwin Rudi Grant-Funded Researcher (A) [email]
831 33260 McGee Lucy Internal Grant Funded Researcher (B) [email]
831 33433 McGee Padric Demonstrator - Computer Specialist [email]
831 37640 McGrice Hayley Senior Lecturer [email]
831 30743 McHugh Bethany Faculty Admin Coordinator [email]
831 31231 McInerney David ARC Grant-Funded Researcher (B) [email]
831 30104 McInnes Craig Technical Officer [email]
831 32620 McKee Gregg Large Animal Attendant (Equine) [email]
0 8313 3745 McLachlan Sandy Associate Professor/Reader [email]
831 36876 McLaughlin Mike University Professorial Research Fellow [email]
831 37275 McLennan Alan Technical Team Leader ? Ag, Food & Wine [email]
none registered McLeod Michelle STEM Educator / Engineering Pathways Manager [email]
831 37455 McRae Jacqui School Business Manager AFW [email]
831 37896 McWhorter Todd Senior Lecturer [email]
831 35920 Medwell Paul Professor [email]
831 32218 Meeuws Fun Grant-Funded Researcher (A) [email]
831 36003 Melkoumian Noune Senior Lecturer [email]
831 37059 Mercury Ashleigh Faculty International Coordinator [email]
0 0413620102 Messele Yohannes Equar Grant-Funded Researcher (A) [email]
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The information in this directory is provided to support the academic, administrative and business activities of the University of Adelaide. To facilitate these activities, entries in the University Phone Directory are not limited to University employees. The use of information provided here for any other purpose, including the sending of unsolicited commercial material via email or any other electronic format, is strictly prohibited. The University reserves the right to recover all costs incurred in the event of breach of this policy.