Administrative Divisions Branches & Sections

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TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
+61 8 8313 5220 Accommodation Services Enquiries none registered [email]
+61 8 8313 5220 Accommodation Services Enquiries none registered [email]
+61 8 8313 3267 Business Development Business Development none registered [email]
+61 8 8313 5668 Council Secretariat Enquiries none registered none registered
+61 8 8313 4015 Council Secretariat Enquiries Chancellor [email]
+61 8 8313 0400 Employability, Careers and Student Academic Skills Internships - ABLE none registered [email]
+61 8 8313 0400 Employability, Careers and Student Academic Skills Internships - SET none registered [email]
+61 8 8313 5990 Infrastructure Enquiries Security Office - North Tce [email]
+61 8 8313 0443 Infrastructure none registered Services Delivery Security Services [email]
+61 8 8313 7511 Marketing Marketing none registered [email]
+61 8 8313 3355 National Wine Centre Enquiries National Wine Centre of Australia [email]
+61 8 8313 2165 National Wine Centre Enquiries Stomping Grounds Café [email]
+61 8 8313 5120 Office of the Vice-Chancellor and President Enquiries Office of the Vice-Chancellor and President none registered
+61 8 8313 9930 Procurement Services Enquiries Purchasing Enquiries [email]
+61 8 8313 3414 Procurement Services Enquiries none registered [email]
+61 8 8313 3440 Procurement Services Enquiries Enquiries Expense Management [email]
+61 8 8313 5137 Research Services Enquiries none registered [email]
+61 8 8313 3658 Research Services PEIR none registered [email]
+61 8 8313 5663 Student Life and Student Affairs Enquiries none registered [email]
+61 8 8313 5962 Student Wellbeing and Access Disability none registered [email]
+61 8 8313 7739 Vice-Chancellor and President Enquiries 1 Wednesdays only [email]
+61 8 8313 3623 Wirltu Yarlu Aboriginal Education Enquiries Enquiries [email]
+61 8 8313 0400 ABLE & SET (Students) Internships none registered [email]
+61 8 8313 6600 AWRI Enquiries none registered none registered
+61 8 8313 3623 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Enquiries Enquiries [email]
+61 8 8313 7898 Accounts Payable Enquiries Accounts Payable Enquiries [email]
+61 8 8313 5208 Ask Adelaide Enquiries General Student Service Enquiries [email]
+61 8 8313 5759 Ask Library Enquiries none registered [email]
+61 8 8313 3000 Audiovisual Enquiries none registered none registered
+61 8 8313 5759 Barr Smith Library Enquiries none registered [email]
none registered Building Access Enquiries Building Access [email]
+61 8 8313 5020 Business Development Enquiries Business Development [email]
+61 8 8313 5701 Capital Projects & Facilities Enquiries none registered none registered
+61 8 8313 3000 Computing TS Helpdesk Enquiries Technology Services none registered [email]
+61 8 8313 3330 Corporate Credit Card Enquiries none registered [email]
+61 8 8313 1061 Course Readings Enquiries none registered [email]
+61 8 8313 4224 Coursework S/ships & Prizes Enquiries Coursework Scholarships & Prizes Office [email]
+61 8 8313 5901 Deputy Vice-Chancellor & VP A Enquiries none registered none registered
+61 8 8313 3278 Deputy Vice-Chancellor & VP R Enquiries none registered [email]
+61 8 8313 5346 Document Delivery-Barr Smith L Enquiries none registered [email]
+61 8 8313 3044 Domestic Scholarships & Pay Enquiries Enquiries [email]
+61 8 8313 5800 Engagement Business Services Enquiries Enquiries none registered
+61 8 8313 4777 English Language Centre Enquiries ELC Primary Contact [email]
+61 8 8313 2931 Enquiry SEAP Grants SEAP Grants none registered
+61 8 8313 0543 Environment Institute Enquiries none registered [email]
+61 8 8313 5800 External Relations Enquiries External Relations Office Enquiries [email]
+61 8 8313 5151 Facilities Booking & Events Enquiries none registered [email]
+61 8 8313 7680 Farm The - Roseworthy Enquiries Farm The - Roseworthy none registered
+61 8 8313 5229 Global Engagement Office Enquiries Global Engagement Office [email]
+61 8 8313 5882 Graduate Research School Enquiries Enquiries [email]
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The information in this directory is provided to support the academic, administrative and business activities of the University of Adelaide. To facilitate these activities, entries in the University Phone Directory are not limited to University employees. The use of information provided here for any other purpose, including the sending of unsolicited commercial material via email or any other electronic format, is strictly prohibited. The University reserves the right to recover all costs incurred in the event of breach of this policy.