Academic Faculties Schools & Disciplines -- F

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TelephoneFamily nameGiven namePositionEmail
831 34755 Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics Enquiries none registered none registered
0 8263 9388 Family Practice Unit Enquiries none registered none registered
831 35211 Florey Research Fund Health Sciences Faculty Office none registered none registered
831 35431 Forensic Odontology Unit none registered none registered [email]
831 30349 Freemasons Foundation Ctr Men Enquiries none registered none registered
831 34249 French Studies Enquiries French Studies none registered
0 8265 4446 Family Practice Unit Fax Fax none registered none registered
0 8313 6229 Finance Health Sci Office Fax Fax none registered none registered
0 8313 4385 Forensic Odontology Fax Fax none registered none registered
0 8313 0355 Freemasons Foundation Ctr Fax Fax none registered none registered
831 37386 Ford Christopher Associate Professor [email]
831 36276 Fusil Eric Professor [email]
831 34853 Field David Business Manager - The Plant Accelerator [email]
831 33861 Flanery Patrick Chair in Creative Writing [email]
831 35055 Foley Bryan Program Manager NSSE [email]
831 37523 Fahy Olivier Associate Lecturer [email]
831 34179 Falconer Robert Professor of Bioprocess Engineering [email]
831 36185 Falkner Nickolas Associate Professor/Reader [email]
831 33576 Falzon Sharelle Administration Officer [email]
831 36259 Farah Claude Senior HTA Analyst [email]
0 8133 4001 Farajpour Ouderji Ali Postdoctoral Researcher [email]
831 36794 Farkas Juraj Associate Professor [email]
831 33272 Farmer Elizabeth Senior Lecturer [email]
831 37206 Farrar Lucy Associate Lecturer [email]
831 35073 Farries Kevin Associate Lecturer [email]
831 33356 Farrington Rachael Louise Lecturer none registered
831 39246 Fartach-Naini Oliver Assoc. Director Postgrad. Coursework Programs [email]
831 34596 Faulkner Darren Technical Officer [email]
+61883028400 Fayezi Sajad Visiting Research Fellow [email]
831 30080 Feakes Adele Senior Lecturer [email]
831 36053 Feinle-Bisset Christine Prof Res Fellow (E) [email]
0 8222 7369 Ferdoush Tuli Jannatul Clinical Trial Research Officer [email]
831 33828 Ferguson Mark Lecturer [email]
831 30645 Fernandez Eduardo Senior Lecturer [email]
831 35299 Fernandez Jordi Associate Professor [email]
831 30152 Fernandez Renae Grant Funded Researcher (A) [email]
none registered Fernando Gayani Lecturer [email]
831 34920 Fielding Victoria Senior Lecturer, Strategic Communication [email]
none registered Finn Luke TERN Surv. Soil Scientist [email]
831 34107 Finnie John Funded Researcher and Veterinary Pathologist [email]
831 34288 Fischer Cheryl Faculty Administration Coordinator [email]
831 30037 Fisher Matt Senior Research Fellow [email]
0 8222 6752 Fitridge Robert Professor [email]
831 35657 Fitton Michelle Faculty Administration Coordinator [email]
831 36278 Fitzgerald Penelope Research Coordinator [email]
831 30588 Fitzgerald Rianna Research Officer [email]
831 31474 Flavel Sarah Acting School Business Manager [email]
831 35681 Flint Maryke School Business Manager [email]
831 30104 Florance Ian Senior Technical Officer [email]
831 36386 Florey none registered none registered [email]
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The information in this directory is provided to support the academic, administrative and business activities of the University of Adelaide. To facilitate these activities, entries in the University Phone Directory are not limited to University employees. The use of information provided here for any other purpose, including the sending of unsolicited commercial material via email or any other electronic format, is strictly prohibited. The University reserves the right to recover all costs incurred in the event of breach of this policy.